Chapter Seventeen

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I was breathing heavy, beyond nervous for the more than permanent departure that awaited us. I know I had only been in this Glade for a matter of days, but this was the escape I had always dreamed about back in Group B. Even if most of us were brainwashed into believing we were doing what we were doing for a righteous cause, myself included, we still hated the place. Being trapped, 24/7. Being scared out of our mind each night when we went to bed. Even is, nothing could take away the terror they inflicted on us each night. It was psychological terror. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, and I jumped, turning around to face a worried Gally. I sighed in relief, embracing him as he chuckled lightly, wrapping his large arms around my small waist.

"You ok there, my little corn kernel?" He chuckled. I smiled, raising an eyebrow at the peculiar nickname.

"Corn kernel?" He chuckled, nodding."Yeah, like the corn field that I kinda threw you in when the Grievers attacked. Now when I think of corn, I just see you." I smiled, rolling my eyes at his silly, yet sweet-natured intent.

"Plus, you're small like a corn kernel, and the light makes your skin yellow, like you've got some shucking weird disease like, I don't know, Jaundice or something." Gally said playfully, winking to show that he was just kidding. I scoffed, rolling my eyes playfully as I lightly slapped his bicep.

"I'm no corn kernel, Princess. I'm a badass." I smirked  He chuckled, reeling me back in as he hugged me tighter, whispering softly in my ear.

"Hey, listen to me, we're gonna make it out of this, ok? You and me, and all of us. We can do this, Lilli. I believe in us." I smiled into his chest, nodding as he finally let me go, running off to gather the last of the supplies. Everyone was standing all ready and prepared at the Maze entrance, only a few more hours of sunlight left. It's probably been about 9 hours, around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I sighed, making sure the satchel of food and canteen of water slung across me were secure, as well as the knives strapped to my leg, and the dagger in my boot. I also had a machete strapped to my back, just for extra protection. I noticed most of the other Gladers dressed the same. Nodding, I stepped towards the front of the pack, joining Newt, along with Minho, Thomas, Shai and Gally.

"Alright, here's the plan. Thomas and I know this maze better than anyone, so we'll lead. Newt will stay in the middle in order to command and assist the most people, Gally, Frypan, you guys take the rear because you're the biggest and ain't no one getting' through you slintheads." Minho said, a small smirk playing on his lips as Gally shook his head, chuckling slightly as he sighed. I smiled, laying my hand softly against his upper arm. Frypan snickered, shaking his head playfully.

"Aye, man! What the klunk is that suppose to mean? You callin' me fat bro! I'll have you know I may be fluffy as hell, but I ain't fat!" Frypan said in his usual jovial tone, everyone bursting into a fit of laughter. It was almost as if their momentary thoughts of leaving the Glade forever had disappeared, replaced with good-natured humor and socializing with their friends. I couldn't help but smile. Minho laughed, clutching his stomach as he shook his head.

"Shank, you're so damn 'fluffy' you wouldn't know an omelet from a beetle blade! You'd shucking eat 'em both!" Minho retorted playfully. Frypan was laughing so hard he was bent over, letting out random spits of muffled air as he laughed, his throat going dry from the 'cheeriness' of the situation. I smiled, looking to Newt for assistance. We really didn't have time for these jokes, even if they did lighten the mood.

"Alright, ya shanks, we get it. Frypan's bloody fluffy as hell and Minho's nothin' but a shuckin moron! Now can we please get on with leaving this hell hole!" Surprisingly, he didn't seem angry, in fact, he had a small smirk prying at his lips. He was healing, and everyone knew it. Nodding, they all stayed silent and we explained the rest of the pack order. Finally, everyone knew their position, and it was time to leave. I sighed, taking my place near the middle, next to Newt. I knew Minho really wanted Shai to stay beside him, he had grown rather fond of her, and constantly wanted to protect her. Shai didn't object, in fact she was demanding to stay beside Minho so that she could keep an eye on him, and to keep him out of trouble. I doubt she had shown him her subject label yet, it would only make him more nervous. It was more than obvious that he felt an instinctive urge to protect her, and that would be more than doubled if he realized that she was a variable destined to fail. I spotted Gally near the back, and gave him a small wave, which he returned longingly."Alright, ya shanks. It's time to finally make the escape we've dreamed of for years. Let's do this." Newt said confidently. All of the Gladers erupted into applause, but before they could go any farther, Newt stopped them.

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