Sorry guys

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Me: Hey everyone sorry but I ran out of ideas and if anyone would like to continue my story I would give you permission and would love to read it

Jeff: no way man

Ben: Noooo don't go *holds my leg*

Me: sorry guys

Jade: Nooooo!

Ruby & Eric: but you're our creator

Me: well of course I would help the new writer if needed

Reth: but what if someone trashes our story?

Me: I'll comment about it okay?

Slendy: awww we'll miss you

Jade: *holding in tears*

Anna: Good luck to you

Me: ohhh you guys GROUP HUG X3

Jeff: I guess it's time for us to go to sleep huh?

Me: nah man it's up to our readers and their ideas bye guys

Jeff the Killer; Don't go to sleepWhere stories live. Discover now