ch.6 Ben Drowned

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(Jeff POV)

My mind was screaming at me why was I cuddling with a girl you just meet for a day but I felt like I had a connection with her.

I wonder what made her have a nighmare? Besides the fact she's in a house with two killers.

I was going to kill to night but I guess I can make an exception. I relaxed when Jade's breathing slowed and I knew she was asleep. I held her closer to feel her warmth. For once in a really long time I slept in peace. There was something about Jade that made me feel...normal in a wierd way.

(Jade POV)

Jeff the killer was holding me. I was blushing mad red. Why was I blushing? Well I never really got this close to a guy before. I was warm and comfortable. Maybe this place wasn't so bad.

(Slender POV)

I walked in my woods when I saw Ben. He smirked "Hey Slendy". I nodded "Hey Ben". He walked over "So we heading for the mansion?". I nodded "Yes but I will warn you. We have a new creepypasta here". He smiled "That's good. Who are they?". I started walking to the mansion "You'll see". Ben nodded and we went to the manshion.

Ben got settled into his room and I checked on Jade.

To my surprise she was cuddleing with Jeff. I held back a laugh and called Ben.

I whispered "Aren't they cute?". Ben chuckled "Jeff's turning into a softy". I nodded "Jade really has a affect on him".

Then a knife went through Ben and went into the wall. Jeff slowly got up from Jade's bed. He moved some hair out of her face and then gave us a death glare "What are you doing in here?". I smirked "I could ask the something".

He rolled his eyes "Whatever. She had a nightmare. Why are you here?". I shrugged "I wanted to check on her and Ben's here". Jeff glared at Ben "I am not going soft!". He rolled his eyes "Sure".

He stared at Jade's scythe "I-is that t-the S-soul Stealer?". I nodded "Yeah so what?". He looked nervous "Well I don't know. It's called Soul Stealer. I'm a soul. DO YOU GET THE PICTURE?!". I patted his head "It's okay. It can't steal your soul because your already dead". He let out a breath "Oh thank God".

(Jade POV)

Dummy creepypastas. They thought I was asleep ha I woke up when Jeff threw his knife.

Who was Ben? Wait do they mean Ben Drowned? He's a ghost. Killer. Not surprising. Jeff got up and left with Slender and Ben. I felt alone again but Jeff was so sweet.

Wait wait wait what did I just think? Jeff the Killer sweet. Oh my God don't tell me. I'm falling for a killer. But why Jeff? Jeff? Why is my life so hard? It's been one day. ONE DAY! But he did make me feel better about myself but he did try to kill me. Oh well I'm just going to keep the feelings so and just wait to see what happens.

What did I ever do to you universe!? Why is my life so fudged up?

I rolled to my other side and went back to sleep. No nightmare no dream just a peaceful sleep.

(Jeff: Okay so what are you doing now?)

(Me: just adding one or two more creepypasta then the action begins)

(Jeff: Oh hell yeah)

I yawned and sat up. I got out of bed and changed into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt and sneakers. I also tied my blck hoodie to my waist and walked downstairs.

I found everyone on the couch watching tv. I planned on scaring them. I had my scythe so I was going for Ben.

I sneaked behind him and swun my scythe but stopped right next to his neck. He let out a high girly scream. I started laughing "Oh that was to funny". Ben gave me a creepy face "You shouldn't have done that....". He was about to attack me but Jeff stood in front of me "Hey, ghost fuck, back off". Ben's face went back to normal "So she the new one". Slendy nodded "Yup this is Jade and man did she get you good".

I stuck out my hand "It's nice to meet you". He smiled "You're good at creeping. You'll make a great killer". I shook my head "I don't know if I wanna be a killer". He shrugged "Your lose girl".

Ben was cool. He loved games and he liked pranking. I liked a friend. I had friends and damn did it feel good.

(Jeff POV)

Ben was getting along with Jade well...I didn't like it. I was watching them play some game from the kichen. I was irritated seeing them close.

Slendy sighed "You jealous. Aren't you?". I was surprised. Slendy never really talked about feelings before. I huffed "Yeah right. I just don't like Ben. Remember I was walking down the stairs and he scared me and I fell. I BROKE MY FUCKING LEG BECAUSE OF EM". Sendy patted my head "You jealous. You like her don't you?". I hitt his hand away "No I just... feel protective. You DID give her a one of your special weapons remember?". Slender shrugged "I just feel like a older brother to her".

I rolled my eyes "Yeah sure, Slendy". He nodded "It's true. There is something about her. A power, aura, about her that reminds me of 'her'. She has a very similar power". I nodded "Yeah, I could feel it too. Do you think?". He shook his head "She died a long time ago". I nodded "Your probably right".

(Jade POV)

Ben was good at games...but I was better. I beat him in most of the game and man was he pissed. I couldn't stop laughing.

He growled at me "Shut up, Jade". That only made me laugh even more. Ben was sooo much fun to tease and get him pissed.

Right now I was just watching tv with Ben upstairs pouting like a baby. Nothing was on nothing is on ever really. Jeff came in and took the remote and changed to the news and some lady was screaming about a guy in a hoodie killed someone. I looked at Jeff and he turned to look at me "It wasn't me. Must have been hoodie". I rolled my eyes "Please don't tell me". He nodded "He might be staying with us". I smacked him on the head "I said not to tell me". He rolled his eyes and layed on the couch.

He is such a doosh. I poked his cheek "You know your a doosh, right?". He nodded "Yeah so what of it, sweetheart?". I scowled "Whatever". He smirked "I love it when your angry". I kicked him in the leg "Shut up". He chuckled "Sure thing, sweetheart". I rolled my eyes. Arragont jerk. Jeff maybe a killer but sure is a doosh bag.

I layed on the oppisite way on the couch "So any one else coming to 'visit'?". He nodded "Slendy got a called from Hoodie". I nodded. I'm not so scared of the creepypastas. They took me in, gave me a weapon, and treated me like I was family. It was a feeling long forgotten. Feeling of belonging.

I never belonged with as the others call 'humans' hehe they were so funny. Anway I never belonged with humans. I was feared and only existed in a world I couldn't escape from. But now I'm happy and have friends like Jeff, Slendy, and Ben. I hope this Hoodie person is nice.


Me: to the next chapter

Jeff: I'm so happy

Me: I can take without the sarcasium comment thanks for reading ^u^

Jeff the Killer; Don't go to sleepWhere stories live. Discover now