ch. 21 Regret

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  • Dedicated to the people who are still reading :3

Ch. 21

(Jeff POV)

Jade leaving has been killing me. Everyone found out and started ignoring me and Angela. Damn I'm an idiot. I had been ignoring Jade but Angela was like the only one who understood. Sure Jade was so much like me but I didn't want to bother her with my problems. I just missed her a lot. I haven't been out killing as much. I just didn't feel like it.

The only thing I could think about was Jade. Everywhere I looked there she was looking at me with sad eyes. I didn't mean to hurt her enough to make her back to cutting herself. I was going to make this right no matter what. When I find her I'll show her how much she means to me.

I walked up to my room but got a glare from Anna and a 'hmph' from Jane. I knew they knew where Jade was but I didn't dare ask them where she was even if it was eating me alive. This pain was so similar to when I lost my parents and Liu. I missed them a lot and regretted killing them. It was just those bullies just finally....broke me and I lost my sanity.

For the first time in forever I cried for Jade, for my family, for everyone, and for me. I really screwed up this time.

I layed on my bed and turned onto my side. I used to hold Jade when she got a nighmare or when she just wanted to stay with me. But when I started to ignore her I noticed she was acting different but payed no mind to it. I covered my face with my hands. Damn it all. If she gets hurt it's all my fault. I really hate myself now.

(Jade POV)

I woke up but kept my eyes closed. But I felt a warm thing on my chest. I opened one eye and saw Darren laying on top of me. IN NEKO FORM! His fox ear twitched and it tickled my nose. His longish hair layed everywhere. My face burned. I screamed and pushed him on the floor. He snored a little but then opened his eyes and let out a groan "Oww, what the hell?". I throw a pillow in his face "YOU PERVERT!". He rubbed his head and yawned "Sorry, I just can't stay in my little fox form for long".

I rolled my eyes and groaned "Where's Ben?". He he shrugged and pulled himself off the floor and headed for the door. He opened the door and smiled at me "Call if you need me" and throw a same piece of paper at me. I caught it with my right hand. He smirked and turned around and left.

Damn he was hot. Ohhh I need to talk to Jane and Anna about this.

I opened the crumpled up piece of paper Darren gave me. I smiled and put the number into my phone then called Jane's number.

(Jane POV)

My phone rang and I picked it up. I smiled "Hello?". The person cleared their throat "Hey Jane. It's Jade". Anna looked up. I smiled "JADE!? Ohh wait I'll put you on speaker". I turned my phone to speaker. She laughed "Hey I miss you guys". Anna laughed "We miss you too. How you been?". She sighed "Good and guess what I saw Ben again. He's doing great and I meet his friend". I looked at Anna and smirked "What 'friend'?". She gave a nervous laugh "Umm just a supercuteguy". I squealed "Ohhh what's his name?". She whispered "Darren". Anna giggled "Cute".

We talk to Jade about Darren for like an hour until she left.

It was great knowing she was doing good.

Jeff hasn't been himself these days Jade's been gone. He looks weaker, barley goes killing anymore, and just mops around. He keeps asking if anyone knew anything about Jade. It's been only a few days since she's been gone and Jeff's a total mess. Poor guy. He stopped talking to Angela and spends most his time in his room drinking. It's sad to see how much he misses her. They were so prefect together but Angela cut in and now there is that Darren guy. Ohhh why is love so confusing?

Before I hung up Jeff walked in. He looked around my room. Anna glared at him "Looking for something?". Jeff looked at us "N-no I just thought I heard Jade's voice?". I shrugged "I don't know what your talking about". He grunted and left. Anna huffed "The nerve". I shook my head "Maybe we should tell least that she's okay". Anna growled "No thanks to him". I shrugged "Maybe, maybe not".

This is getting harder and harder to deal with. Maybe Jeff should just...... forget about Jade and move on. It would be the best for both of them.

(Jade POV)

Ben has been gone for almost the whole morning and for the whole day I watched tv and played games. It was like I was still back at the mansion with everyone smiling, laughing, and just being happy. For the first time in forever (A/N hehe Frozen) I had everything I dreamed for. Dreams that will never be.

I went back to when I was still in the orphanage. Everyone looked at me as......different. They always kept making me ask myself why? Why was I alone? Why did everyone fear me? Why was I the one with this curse? For years I kept asking myself that.

Being bullied out of fear and anger. Tina for example. She saw me as a freak and she thought of me as a lower being when in reality she was weak and a coward but I was to young to understand and I was to afraid of my own strengh. I was so naive then. I laugh about it now but back was just a nightmare that was in real life.

The taunting, the laughing, the mocking, the beatings, the loneliness........the pain.

My cuts burned at the memories. The scars are just reminders that all those things happened. I thought Jeff was there for me but I guess I was just a fling but Darren he seemed to understand and I felt like I him. I slapped myself. No Jade don't fall again or else you want to go through heartache again.

I sat with my knees to my chest on the coach. It was just like the orphanage. I was alone again with no one to tell me that it was going to be alright. I sighed and shrugged off the feeling. I won't let them take over again.

Right now I gotta look for Ben.



Me: Hey guys

Jane: thanks for still reading

Jeff: yeah

Ben: Vote and comment or else WE WILL FIND YOU O^O

Slendy: Next chapter yahhhhhh

Jeff the Killer; Don't go to sleepWhere stories live. Discover now