ch.5 The Soul Stealer

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(Jeff POV)

I layed in bed with my eyes closed thinking. Why her? What was so special about her that I couldn't kill her? Most of the time I just creep, stab, kill not a hard thing.....unless they run. Her eyes were different but something about them attracted me.

JEFF WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!? My mind was screaming at me. I rubbed my head why is this happening to me?

This Jade girl had a lot of guts to come here now she's staying if she likes it or not.

It was still dark out a bit so I took a nap. Why is all of this happening?

(Jade POV)

I unpacked all my things and I put my family's picture on the night stand next to my bed. I sighed to myself. I guess this was my new home.

How did I get myself into this? Just because of the stupid rain. If it wouldn't have rained then maybe I wouldn't be here but no. I sat on my bed and took out my computer and went on wattpad. Yeah I have an account. I was very famous for my horror books and I always tryed to follow people back. I was cupcakecat96 so people won't know I'm a freak.

(Me: I used my username because I couldn't think of any)

(Jeff: Weak)

(Me: Hey you try and write one of these)

(Jeff: (shuts up)

(Me: that's what I thought)

I was still a little new but people did like my books which made me feel good. One of the few things that made me happy were all my followers. I just felt so special.

After about a hour someone knocked on my door. I was just playing random games. I called "It's open". Then Slender came in and smiled "I see you made yourself at home. Dinner will be in about an hour". I looked up at him "Thanks bye". Then he left.

I thought they would be a lot meaner but they weren't. They're treating me a lot better. To think killers treat me better then an orphanage. Whatever at least I have somewhere to stay. Like I had a choice ha. They were really just keeping me around against my will but I knew better then to try and fight them.

(Jeff POV)

I woke up smelling bacon and eggs. Slender must be making beakfast. Time to get off my ass and eat.

I opened my door the same time as Jade. She looked at me with her beatiful eyes. Yeah I like her eyes so what?

She turned away and walked downstairs. I followed her to the kichen and there was Slender wearing an aperen that said 'Kiss the Cook'. I remember he got that a few years back. I couldn't believe he still had that thing. I started laughing "Why do you still have that?". He blushed "I like being clean while cooking. Unlike you". I rolled my eyes and he smirked "Come on Jeff kiss the cook". I looked at him "Are you gay?".

I heard a soft laugh and I turned to see Jade laughing at us. Her laugh was so musical it was hard not to listen.

(Jade POV)

Jeff just called Slender gay. Hahaha too funny. What is with these guys? They don't act like killers but just like normal teenagers.

After breakfast Slender said he wanted to show me something. He lead me to a door that lead to a basement. He smiled "Don't worry nothings going to hurt you". Sure like going into a basement alone with Slenderman.

He turned on a light and I saw all types of weapons.

Knives, daggers, swords, scythes, posien, gernades and ect.

Jeff the Killer; Don't go to sleepWhere stories live. Discover now