Chapter 2

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Next day

Rosé pov.

            I was in my office on some important work.  Suddenly someone pushed open the door without knocking.

"What the fu... oh Jungkook, was that you?"

"The one and only".  He came and sat on the couch with a smile.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have any work today?"  I asked .

I was at work, but Yeri called me to tell me about a Korean trip.  What is the reason for accepting JK Entertainment's offer now?  He questioned me.

"Nothing."  I shrugged.
He looked at me suspiciously.  I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't give me that look Miss. Rosé ". I shook my head.

"An old friend of mine has invited me to her wedding. If i go there, there's no way they'll let me back here any time soon. That's why I accepted this offer.  " I rolled my eyes.

"And why am I there?"  he asked.

"Simple,I'll be busy with work, wedding, and family. Then Yeri will be alone, so she needs you there for a company."  I said.
Then Yeri came up there.

"Hi Guys" then sat down next to Kookie.  I smirked.

"What about the meeting, Yeri?" I looked up from my file and looked at her.

"It was fixed on the 15th of the next month." She said.

I nodded.

"Rosé, did you call your mother and told her about going back there?"Yeri asked.

I smiled. 'It's been three years since I came to New York from Seoul.  Meanwhile, I never went there to meet them.  I miss Mom, Dad, Alice and my Hank so much. I think it's time to go back.  I left there because I didn't have the courage to face anything.  But it doesn't seem possible to leave everyone behind and live alone.'

"Guys, let's go shopping, I want to buy a lot of presents for everyone." I jumped up excitedly.
Fast Forward

Next Weak

Yeri Pov.

I was busy packing my bag. We are going to Seoul for the evening flight today. Rosé's personality was very different from what I knew.  The Rosé I knew was angry at even the smallest things and loved to be alone for long periods of time.  That is why she has many enemies in her professional life.  But now Rosé is always happy.

"Yeri....." Rosé shouted from outside my room.  Then she came inside.  "Aren't you done packing yet?  We will be late.  " she chirped.

"Rosé... Our flight is still 2 hours away.  So just sit back and relax." I said rolling my eyes.

"But what if we miss the flight because of traffic?"

"We will arrive on time" I assured.

"Also, Kookie said that you are going to ditch me  after arriving in Seoul, is that true?" I crossed my arms and asked her raising an eyebrow.
She smiled and Sat on my bed.

"The 2 months we're in Seoul, that's the time I'm giving you to open up about your love for Jungkook." When she said that,i chocked on my own saliva.

" are yo..u I d..on't hav..e any..thing like t..hat...". I blurted out.
She glared at me.

"Yeri, I have known your love for him ever since we met.  Don't try to hide it anymore." She said.

I lowered my head.  "But he likes you." I said in a low voice.
She came to me and sat next to me. "You know, right..I only saw him as my brother."
"But he..." she didn't let me say.

"No but, show him how much you love him. Try to use the time we have in Seoul for that. And... try to get ready soon, he'll be here in anytime."  Then she got up and left. I sighed.

Jungkook came after a while and we headed  to the airport.

After getting settled in the flight, I looked at Rosé.  Because from the moment she got into the car, she is completely silent, as if in her own world.

Rosé pov.

  Ever since I decided to go back to Seoul , I was very excited.  But now I feel something weird.
Like, something wrong is about to happen.
I am sure, our meeting after three years will be a bit tough.  I miss her, I really do.  But it seems difficult to face her.

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone tapping me on the shoulder.
I looked to my side.

"Did you say something " I asked Yeri.

"I've been calling you for a while.  It doesn't seem like you are here. Are you ok?"She asked suspiciously.

"Yaa,I was just thinking about my family and friends.  It's been a long time since I saw them all.  I am excited and nervous at the same time." I said and played with my fingers.

"I have never seen you like this before." She looked at me in surprise.
"And don't worry,They all will be very happy to see you."

I smiled.

"Now, take a nap."
I hummed and closed my eyes.

"I'm coming back to you."

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