Chapter 14(Last one)

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Jennie Pov.

Seeing her startled from her sleep, i hurriedly placed the book i was reading on the nearby table and went to her.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked wiping the sweat from her face but she didn't say anything and looked at me for a while then hugged me tightly.

"Rosie.... Hubby, tell me what happened, did you have a bad dream?" I asked my wife.
She gave me a kiss on my neck and raised her head to look at me.

"I really Love you, Jen." I smiled at her and pecked her lips.

"I love you too babe. Now tell me, what's wrong?" I caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned on my hand, i smiled at her cuteness.

"Nothing love, i just dreamt about our past." She then hold my hands to her chest.

"Don't leave me again like that, love. I will gone crazy." She kissed my hands.

"Never love. You're my life. I will never leave you." I kissed her forehead.

"Love, can i ask you something?" I asked and she nodded and laid on the bed and bring me too. I rest my head on her chest and hugged her tightly.

"I haven't asked you about this before. But i want to know now. Why did you try to do that? I know what i told you that day is something you will never forget.  But do you want to lose your life for it?  When i fell in love with someone else, you didn't try to be so rude except to stay away from me." I hugged her tightly and a tear left my eyes. She hugged me back and chuckled. I looked up and i glared at her.

"Those 3 years apart from you, it was really like hell. But i had a another goal too, save my family who was suffering from debt. So i had to work hard. I did it. On that time i tried to forget you and move on, but i couldn't.

When i came back, my brain told me many times that i should keep my distance from you. But my heart didn't hear it. I was sure that i could never have you, and i have to move on, that's why i decided to date Suzy even though i didn't feel any love for her."

I hugged her even tighter and buried my face in her neck.

"And, when you confessed your love and we became one, it all felt like a dream to me. I was so happy like i won the whole world. But... When you told me that hurtful words and left me, i couldn't control myself. I couldn't think straight.

I didn't go there with the thought of ruining this life, i just wanted to be alone.  But when i reached there, my mind and heart froze. The moments i spent with you there flashed before my eyes. I just lost my mind." She kissed me on the head, a tear left my eyes.

"Now i'm really happy, love. I'm really thankful to god for stop me to do that stupidity. Now i'm the most happiest person in this world. I really love you Jen." She kissed my head again.


"Mommyyy..." Without finishing what i wanted to say, i looked at the door.

Ella Kim Park. Our 2 years old baby. We both smiled as we saw our angel running towards us with a big smile. I let go of Rosie's hold and sat up. Rosie did the same and scooped up our baby in her arms.

"Oh my baby..." Rosie caressed her soft and chubby cheeks and pressed her lips to the baby's forehead. Ella showed her baby teeth and giggled at Rosie's action. I kissed her cheek.

"What my baby Ella wants?" Rosé asked with her baby voice. I shook my head and smiled.

"Fooooddd" Ella said with a pout and cupped Rosé's cheeks with her tiny hands and squeezed it.. Ella really like to do that everytime Rosé picked her up.

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