Chapter 9

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No One Pov.

Days passed. Jennie and Chaeyoung's became close again like the old days. Jennie become a regular visiter in Rosé's home. Unknown to her, she started loving Rosie more than just a friend. Kai started planning to destroy Rosé. But what makes his more irritated was Rosé's decision to stay there.

As Rosé thought, after spending some days together without her Jungkook fell in love with Yeri. He proposed her and they are together now.

As promised to Alice, Rosé decided to settled in Seoul. She give all of the projects to her juniors in New York. She put Yeri in charge of everything in there. Jungkook and Yeri went back to New York after some days. Now Rosé is busy setting up her office here.

Jennie's mom find out Rosé's return through Kai. She don't like Rosé. She think that because of Rosé that her daughter disobeys her when she was young. Mrs. Kim thought that Rosé came back to make her daughter like she was before. That's why she decided to fix the marriage of Jennie and Kai immediately.

Rosé Pov.

I was cooking something for me in the kitchen with music on, when someone knocked on the door. I removed my apron and cleaned my hands. I went to the door and opened it. I grinned when i saw my best friends.

"Seul.. Sana.." I hugged them.

"Hey bitch.." They went inside and dropped on the couch.

"How's your work dude?" Seul asked me, i rolled my eyes.

"Bcos of your beloved fiancé, we don't seem to be able to complete the work on time. So Jennie gonna kill me.." I smiled sarcastically. She laughed.

"But you love her, dude.." I smirked.

"Anyway why are you here?" I sat across them.

"Why.. You don't like us here?" Sana pouted cutely. I chuckled.

"Don't be dramatic Sana." I raised my eyebrow and they chuckled.

"Okay... We're here to tell you something.."


"Let's go to club tonight." They grinned at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You know i don't drink, guys.. Then why am i coming?" They shrugged.

"Come on Chaeng.. It's been a while since we hung out together." Seul whinned.

"And don't worry let's find a girl for you on the club." Sana winked at me.

"God, Lisa changed you a lot." I laughed when she stuck out her tongue.

"And not just us, Jisoo, Lisa, Jennie will be there too.." Seulgi said. I nodded.

"Ok fine. Like you said, it's been a while since i went to a club, i need a refreshment." We highfived. After some time they went out. I done some of my jobs and took a nap.

I got a message from Seul telling they will be in the club in 15 minutes and sent me the address. So i took a shower and got ready. I went out and drive my car to the club. I took my baby from my home days ago. But today i'm not gonna ride her.

10 minutes later i parked my car outside the club and took my phone. I sent a message to Seul telling i'm here. She told they are waiting me inside. So i went to inside the club.

It was dark with blue dim lights and high sound of music. Some of the boys and girls are dancing in the dance floor. Looks like all are drunk already. It was crowded, since it's a friday night. I scrunched up my nose at the smell of alcohol. I didn't drink since i promised to Alie.

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