Chapter 11

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Rosé Pov.

I don't know what happened to Jennie, why she is so angry at me. I know i'm trying to not meet with her. I can't see her. That's why i tried to spend my more time with Suzy.

I know she like me, but she didn't told me about that, i like her too. I need to move on from Jennie. So i decided to give a chance to Suzy. So i was planing to propose her today. But i think Jennie spoiled it. I was so in my thoughts. When my phone vibrated, indicating a message came. So i took it.


Bring your babe when you come.

So, i think she is depressed about something, that's why she wants a night drive. I checked the time. It's 7 already. I have time to go home and took a shower. So i sent a message to Suzy saying i'm not coming today and got up to go home.

I came home and took a shower. I felt relaxed. After the shower i wore a ripped jeans and a red shirt. I took my leather jacket and bike key. Then i went out. I sat on my baby and wore my helmet and jacket.

"Hey, babe.. You know something.. Our mandu is angry at me. What do you think she gonna do to me..? I know you miss her right? It's been 3 and half year last she ride with us. Are you excited to meet her again?" I patted my baby's body and chuckled.

"Come let's go and meet that kitten." I started it's engine and drive to Jen's home.

I saw her waiting me outside of he house. When she saw me she come near me. But she has a serious face. She didn't even give me a single smile. She snatched the helmet from me and got on the bike. I started the bike again and drive away. She have a bag with her. She didn't talk to me throughout the ride. But i know where she wanted to go.

After like an hour i stoped the bike on a field. She got down and unclasped her helmet and throw it to me, i catched it. I know if i say anything she will kill me. So i stayed silent. Then she went to the hill i took her years ago, my secret spot. I followed her.

When we got on the top of the hill she sat on the edge and looked at me. I sat beside her. I noticed she is shivering bcos of the cold air. She know we are coming here, then why she wore a simple jeans and top with out jacket. I took of my jacket and put it on her.

"Why did you avoid me these days Chae..? " She asked me out of blue. I stared at her confused. She looked at me with teary eyes. I felt a pain in my heart.


"Why did you avoid me and went out with that Suzy girl on these days?" She asked me without blinking.

"J-Jen you were busy with your wedding shopping and Kai and your family. I don't want to disturb you..." I lied and looked down at the city.

"But i called you many times. You just ignored my calls." She opened her bag and took a bottle of bear? Is she came here to drink?

"Jen... I just want you to spent your time with your family before the marriage."

"But i want to spent my time with you." She stared at me without blinking. Did i saw love in her eyes? God.. Please don't give any hope.. I can't handle that pain.

I stared at the busy street thinking about her.

"Do you love her?" I looked at her confused.


She take a sip from the bottle and looked at me.

"Do. You. Love. That. Suzy. Girl?" Ok.. Now she is glaring at me. I gulped. Maybe she looked like a cute kitten. But her single stare can kill me. I didn't said anything to her.
I took something from my jeans pocket and show her. She looked at me then looked at the small box confused. I opened it. It's a ring.

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