Chapter 6

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Rosé pov.

I didn't think today's conversation with Jennie would bring us closer together again. When she asked the reason why i left here, i hesitated.  Even though i love her more than my life, i don't have the courage to tell her that.  Maybe it even destroys our friendship.  But i couldn't lie to her and nothing i told her was a lie.  That was one of the reasons i had to leave here.

Today Yeri and i moved to a new apartment. I can't focus on my work if i stay at my parent's house.  After coming here, i arrange all my things and took a shower.  After that,i went to bed. My mind was filled with memories of Jennie. I was about to drift off to sleep when i heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I yelled. Yeri came inside.

"Aren't you sleepy girl?" I got up and sat down.

"I have a few things to ask you." She sat beside me and i understood that today's events had created many doubts in her. I hesitated and asked.

"Wh-what's the ma-matter?" I stuttered.

"You know what i mean." She crossed her arms.

"I have never once asked you why you are so reluctant to come to Korea. We have lost many good projects because of it. As it is, you have never been in front of any of your clients.  All the projects were handled by the juniors. When JK's offer came, i told you a lot to accept it.  But you didn't hear me. But when you know about your friends marriage , you were ready to accept the offer. You came to Korea. I just want to know one thing Rosé . Why were you hesitant or afraid to come here? Did you know JK Ent CEO is your friend? "She asked.

I chuckled.

"Yeri, there's a lot you and Kookie don't know about me. Yes, i was afraid to come back here. It is a city that has given me so much joy and pain.  As you asked, i didn't know that i was going to work for Jennie. If i had known, i would never have agreed to it.." I sighed.

"But why" She asked.

I got out of the bed and went to the glass window in the room and looked out the beautiful night sight of Seoul.

"Although i was born in Australia, I have lived in this city since my childhood. When my father's business in Australia was destroyed, we came here to my mother's hometown when i was 12 years old. They sent us to a good school even though they did small jobs. We were a happy family. After finishing school, i got an admission to Seoul University for a degree. From there my life changed. I met all my dearest friends there.

Seulgi and Sana, my best friends. We were together for everything. I was a good dancer. I was also in the college dance group. That's how i met Jisoo Unnie. I also got friendly with Lisa on union meetings and its programs. But everything changed when the summer vacation of that year was near.  That's when she came into my life."

I smiled at Yeri. Then looked back to outside.

"Jennie Kim"


"Chaeyoungiee" I was taking my books for the next class, when i heard someone calling me. I looked back. It was Lisa, Sana is also with her.

"What love birds?" I lock my locker and turned to them.

"Did you heard about our summer camp?" Lisa asked. We walk towards our next class.

"Summer camp?" I looked at her.

"Yep, next weak we're going to the camp." Sana said.

"Is Seulgi coming?" I asked her.

"Nah, she said she is going to New York with her parents."

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