Chapter 8

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Jennie Pov.

I have always been reluctant to wake up from my sleep but i woke up very early today and got ready to go to the office. I wore my favorite black suit and light make up. I let my hair loose. Just as Rosie like.

Her return gave me a new awakening.  Happiness cameback into my life. For these 3 years without her, i was like a person who had no one even though everyone was with me. When Kai came into my life, i thought that i would get a care and love from him that i didn't get until then. But i knowingly ignored Rosie, who loved me like her soul.

My thought at that time was that love is greater than friendship. A life with Kai, that  was only my wish. But when she left me, i realized that i had lost the greatest treasure of my life.

That night at the graduation party, when i was talking about Kai, i saw the pain on her face. But i thought that if i talk to her later, her quarrel will change. But i didn't know that would be the last time i would see her.

I haven't been able to enjoy my love life with Kai. All my thoughts were about her. I had never felt the safety and care in him that i felt in Rosie's arms.

I look at the inseparable pendent in my neck, that Rosie gave me. A smile reached on my lips. I heard someone clearing throat. I looked back and saw Kai standing beside me. His smile faded away when he saw the pendant. He didn't like it. Once he buy me a very expensive pendent, he thought i throw away my Rosie's gift and wore his. But i don't care how expensive his gift, what Rosie gives me is always priceless.

I covered the pendent with my shirt and smiled at him.

"You look so happy today, and looks different." He lean on the wall.

I looked at mirror with a smile and checked myself.

"Really?..." He nodded.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.

"Did your friend gone?" I looked at him confused.

"Which friend?"

"Chaeyoung." I shook my head. The smile never leaves my lips.

"No way... And you know something.. She is the one that i was trying these past months to make a deal with." He looked confused.

"What you mean?" I took my bag and face him.

"Yes. She is the one and only famous photographer Rosé. That i was trying to reach these months." He widdened his eyes. I laughed.

"The one from New York?" I nodded excitedly.

"We met on the meeting yesterday. You know Kai, she changed alot. And we talk alot after meeting. I'm still her best friend. And she is gonna work with me today on." He just stared at me. I looked at the time and gasped.

"Oh my god, i'm gonna be late. Byee Kai, see you." I peck his lips and took my phone and ran outside.

Kai Pov.

I clenched my jaw and fist. Chaeyoung, my worst headache. She was the one who kept Jennie away from me. Whenever i try to hit on Jennie, she will destroy every moment. I fucking hate that bitch.

On college days i just have a little crush on Jennie. Nothing serious. I don't love her that time. But when i found out that Chaeyoung liked Jennie more than a friend, i decided that i wouldn't let her have Jennie.

After a long try Jennie let me date her. I felt so happy, not bcos of i got Jennie's love, but bcos of i got a chance to hurt Chaeyoung. Jennie is like her soul. I love and took care of Jennie more than that bitch.

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