Chapter 10

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Rosé Pov.

When Jennie told me she was going to get married, i lost my sleep. I know i have to move on and try to start a new life, but even the thought of her leaving me is hurts like hell.

Although i lived away from her for the last three years, there was not a single moment in my life when i did not remember her. I know i can make her the happiest women in this world. But her happiness is Kai, not me. So i can't took away her happiness.

It's still early in the morning, i really didn't sleep last night. The weather is nice outside, so i think a jogging will help to clear my mind. I got up and freshened up and went outside. I connected earphone in my phone and played some music and started running around the park. I tried my best to not think about Jennie and my feelings for her. It's hard.. I know.. But i have to..

I already covered with sweat after 1 hour of exercising. So i sat on a bench in the park, panting.

"Hey..." I wiped the sweat from my face with the back of my hand and looked at the person sitting next to me.

"Hey Suzy.." She smiled brightly at me and moved closer to me.

"Do you always come here?" She asked excitedly. I shook my head and smiled.



"What about you?" I asked her.

"Hangover." She sighed dramatically. I chuckled and drank my water.

We talked sometime and i invited her to my home for a coffee.

We went inside my house and told her to sat on the couch in the living room.

"Feel free to do anything you want, i just take a quick shower." She smiled at me.

"Take your time Chaeyoung.." I smiled back and went to my room.

Jennie Pov.

When mom fixed the date of our marriage, Kai was so excited. But i don't feel anything. Actually this is the thing that i wanted when i started dating Kai. But now i felt nothing towards him. But i can't do anything.
I can't disobey my mom. She is the one who decided everything in my life. Like my dressing to my studies.
When i told her i love Kai. She didn't shout at me. She was happy. Maybe because his family's business. I felt happy, because i make her happy.
But now.. It's not same.. I don't feel any happy about this marriage. I know, if i marry him, i will loss Chaeyoung forever. He don't like her. I don't want to that happen. I don't want to loss her. She is my safe heaven. She is my happy pills. But if i told mom i don't want this marriage, she will surely shout at me, maybe disown me. I don't want that. I love her. She is my mom anyway.

I woke up early today and i really felt like i need to see her. So i dressed up and went to her home. Kai is still sleeping.
I park my car on the parking lot and went to her apartment. I rang the bell and the door opened after some time.

I thought it was Rosie.. But no.... I felt like my body is burning in anger when i saw the person opened the door. She stared at me confused. Then smiled at me.

"Hey.. You're Chae's friend, right? We met last night." She give me space to enter.

"Yes... Jennie.." I look around to catch a glance of that fucking Park. But i don't saw her.

"Where is Chaeyoung?" I asked her. But she could say anything, the room door opened and Rosie came out with wet hair. I think she just came out of the shower.

"Whose that Su..... Ohh heyy Jen..." She smiled at me and came close to me.

She hugged me.. The smell of her is intoxicating.. What the hell Jennie..? She is your best friend.

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