Chapter 13

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Rosé Pov.

It has been three days since Jennie contacted me. She didn't even pick my calls or replied my messages. Only two days left for Kai and Jennie's wedding.

'I know Jennie love me. She never do this to me.'

I tried to call her again, but it's still switch off. I went to her office multiple times these days. But she's not going there. Her secretary told me Jennie's staying at her mother's house. I can't go there, her mother don't like me. I know she didn't even let me in.

I'm feeling so fraustrated, i don't know what to do. Even my friends are not here. Jisoo have a photoshoot for a magazine in Australia, she took Seulgi with her. Lisa and Sana was on a vacation.

'I don't know where to go or what to do?'

I was thinking about Jennie, when i got a call from unnie. I took it.


"Where are you, kid?" She's so happy, i think. She don't know about this situation and i'm not gonna tell her.

"In office."

"Ohh. I think you're also with Jennie." That took my attention.

"Where did you see her unnie?" I stood up quickly.

"Why? Is there any problem... Rosé?"

"No.. No.. Nothing unnie.. I didn't see her like two days, that's why i asked." I said carefully. I don't want to make her upset.

"Oh.. Maybe she is busy with her wedding shopping. I saw her on the mall, entering a boutique."

"Thanks unnie. I will call you later."

"Ok.. See you."

I quickly went to my car and drive fast to the mall. I can't miss this chance. I want to know everything from her. I went inside the mall and went to the boutique.

"Good morning, Ms. How can i help you?" A salesgirl approached me with a grin. I smiled at her fakely.

"Can i know where is Jennie Kim?" I asked politely and looked around to see her.

"Ohh.. Ms. Kim is in the trial room. She is trying her wedding dress." She said and went away.

'Wedding dress? What the hell is happening here.'

I went there and saw Kai sitting on the couch with his phone, beside the trial room. I was about to go there, but the trial room door opened and Jennie step out.

My breath hitched when i saw her on her wedding dress. She look so beautiful in her white gown. Her eyes meet mine. I know, she got startled when she saw me here. But she didn't broke the eye contact. I just stared at my love of my life. When Kai took her arm she looked away from me.

I saw his grip on my girl's hand. My body burned with fire, i took a deep breath and weny beside them.

"Jen" I called her, but she didn't looked at me.

"Ohh.. Hey Chaeyoung. I didn't expect you here. Look, she is beautiful, right?" He said with a mock. I gritted my teeth in anger. He fucking smirked at me.

"Jennie... I need to talk to you." She looked up at me.

"Please." I pleaded. She turned to Kai.

"Kai, i will see you in a few minutes, please wait for me in the car." She said, he nodded and walked away. When he walked out, i took her hand and dragged her to the trial room and locked it.

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