Chapter 7

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Rosé pov

Months and years passed. Our friendship also grew in a way that no one else could break up. We have had small fights like any other friendship. But none of it lasted more than a day. I couldn't go a day without seeing her. I did not express my love to her despite many opportunities in between. As Unnie said, i want to express my love to her without any fear. So i waited for a good opportunity to do so.  Meanwhile, i have caused a lot of trouble for her in college.
Kai, he was the cause of it all. He has been following Jennie for a long time. She doesn't like him. I don't like him getting close to Jennie. That's why i got into trouble with him so many times.  Meanwhile, the situation at my house was also getting worse. Dad was too weak to go to work. We depended only on the small income from Mom's café. So Alice and i started doing some part-time jobs to help Mom.

Today is our last day in college. Everyone was very happy. Seulgi proposed to Jisoo.  Everyone's love life is set. I was the only one who didn't make any progress. Everyone knew i like Jennie except her. So they told me to confess my love on graduation party. But, on these few weaks we all felt a change in Jennie's behavior. Like she's hiding something from us. Some days i don't even see her. I felt so lonely without her. I texted and called her, but no avail. She always saying she's busy.
Jennie's parents don't like me anymore after finding out about our night outs. They think Jennie and I are in love.  They scolded her a lot. So i can't go to her house and ask her what her problem is.  It will lead to new problems. I don't like Jennie to be sad because of me. Today i got a call from Sandana Park, the famous photographer in New York. I applied a for a job as her assistant. Today i get that job. They told me i should join immediately after graduation.
I was very happy when i heard this. I felt the need to tell Jennie the good news before i told my friends and family. I'm sure that if i get this job my life will settle down. My family will also be saved. Tomorrow is our graduation day. That means i want to leave here after tomorrow. So decided to confess my love to Jennie and tell her about this happy news on the evening party.

I was walking in the college corridor thinking about how to propose Jennie tomorrow. A smile was plastered on my face. But when i heard some sound from a nearby closed class, i peeked there. I saw someone's shadow. I started to leave thinking that maybe some lovers are making out.
But as i heard like Jennie's sound, i went to the slightly open window and peeked in. The sight i saw there boiled my blood. Jennie is leaning against the wall and Kai is blocking her with his arms on either side of her. I felt the anger to kill him. How dare he put his hands on my girl's body. I decided to barge into that class and beat him to death. But when i heard Jennie's laugh, i stood there confused.

Looked there again. That sight broke my heart. Jennie, snuggled in Kai's arms and looking at him lovingly, tears flowed from my eyes.

"Are you going to tell your friends about us?" He asked her. Then I heard her laugh. I loved her laugh the most. But this..

"Don't be so rush, love, you knew how hard i've tried to hide this from all of them this past month, especially from Rosie. But don't worry, i will tell everyone about this tomorrow in the graduation party. That I love you. But i'm afraid how Rosie will react. You know she doesn't like you at all." I heard she saying. He scoffed.

"What i don't understand is why you are always following her. She tried to keep you away from me. She doesn't like to see you living a good life. You must stop being friends with her. Promise me." He said.

"Kai..I love you ..." I heard she saying. But i didn't have the courage to listen more. I walked away from there. I started to feel a stabbing pain in my heart.

From there i went straight to the basketball court. I lay on a bench there with my eyes closed. I realized that the pain of first love  is too much to bear. I don't know how long i lay there. I opened my eyes when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I saw Jennie standing next to me worried.

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