Chapter 5

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Rosé pov.

In the morning I woke up to the irritating sound of the alarm.  After morning routines I put on a formal suit. After putting all the important files in the bag, I went downstairs. After having breakfast with my family I wentout with Yeri for that meeting with JK. Yeri started eating my ear about how stubborn that JK in the car on the way there. I sat with my head in my hand.

"Look Rosé, I know you are a bit too stubborn. But I heard that the CEO of this JK is stubbornly above your head. So you need to calm your damn ass. This is a very important project for us. Do you understand?" She pointed her finger at me and threatened me.

'Is she or I the boss?' I mumble under my breath.

"Did you say something?" She raise her eyebrow at me.

"Nothing " I said and looked at my phone.

After half an hour drive we  reached the JK Ent. office. I came out and look around. Yeri followed after me . A girl saw us coming and ran towards us. Maybe the CEO's secretary.

"Good morning Ms. Rosé" She said and bowed. I nodded.

"I'm Alexa, Ms. Kim's P. S. Ms. Kim is waiting for you. Please come in." She lead the way for us. I maintain a cold face.
But when she said the name Kim, I felt an unexpected tension inside me.

"Yeri, did kookie call you?" I asked turning to Sana.

"He called this morning.  His meeting is over.  He said that he will come here on the first flight tomorrow." I nodded.

We took the elevator and reached the top floor. Alexa led us to a room. As we approached, she opened the door for us.  We went inside. Whoever was inside, i decided to give them a uninterested face. But I was shocked to see the person sitting in front of me.

Jennie pov.

After a long struggle, the world famous photographer Rosé was convinced to do a photo shoot for my company's models. No one has ever seen this person Rosé except those who work with them. There is no photo or details of her on any of her social media accounts . She has never worked for anyone herself, her assistants do every photoshoots for her clients. But her own works are better than those of her assistants. That is why I decided to assign her to my work.

The meeting with Rosé is scheduled for today. I was getting ready for it.  Suddenly two hands wrapped around my waist from behind. I look through the mirror and saw Kai is looking at me with his head on my shoulder with a seductive smile. I slightly smiled and check myself on the mirror.

"Hey sweetheart, Do you really want to go to the office today? Today is off for me, We can spend time together today." He said rubbing his face against my neck. I sighed heavily.

"Kai, i told you i have a important meeting today." I said.

"Don't you have a lot of assistants, tell them to handle it.  I want you right now, you look so hot in this tight black dress babe. " Saying that, his hand moved to my thigh.
I grabbed his hand and turned to face him.

"Look Kai, you know how important my company is to me. Today's meeting is very important to me and my company.  I can't leave it to someone else and just sit here."

His expression changed.  He started telling me something but my phone rang. I looked at him and took the call.

"Yes Alexa "

"Ms. Kim, Ms. Rosé and her assistant are on their way. Can you come to the office soon?"

"I will be there in few minutes." Then i cut the call and took my handbag. I started to leave but Kai held my hand tightly.

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