Chapter 4

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Jennie pov.

Ever since I found out that Lisa proposed to Sana, I was really excited. Their 4-year-old love is going to blossom.  Jisoo and I were with them throughout the wedding planning.

But....I miss her a lot.  I don't know where  she is  or what she is doing.  I know she would be a lot happier today if she was here.  Although she is my best friend, Lisa is her favorite. We always used to fight because of that one thing. I didn't like her loving someone else more than me. I know I'm a possessive bitch. But i can't help.

Four years of our friendship is the only treasure that I will always keep in my heart. I don't know why she leave us.. Leave me.. But i know one thing i really miss her.

When I got Lisa's home, I didn't see anyone.  I went to backyard thinking they might be in there.  I looked for them among the people.

"Here comes the always latecomer."

I laughed and looked towards the place where I heard the sound.  I know only one person has the guts to make fun of the cold-hearted Jennie Kim.  The known other than Kim Jisoo.

I know, I'm a cold person to everyone.  I was not like this before.  When she was with me.  But since she left me without saying anything, my behavior has changed. I'm angry with her.  But also I miss her so much.

I sighed.

I saw Jisoo and Seulgi laughing at me with someone.  I didn't know who the person was because her back was turned away.  I slowly walked towards them.  But when the person turned towards me, I was shocked and freeze. I saw someone I didn't expect here today.

"Chaeyoung "

"Jennie" We said in unison.

We stood speechless and unable to move.  I want to run to her and hug her so tight and cry aloud, also to slap her a lot, kiss her a lot, tell her not to leave me again.  But I  can't move or speak .

I came to my senses when a hand wrapped around my waist. I took my eyes off Chaeyoung and looked at the man standing next to me.

  "Babe are you okay?" He asked me softly.
I just nodded unable to say anything.

"Hey is that your old friend Chaeyoung?" He pointed at Chaeyoung.

Old my foot. She is always my best friend. I glared at him.

I walked towards them.  I couldn't help but notice the look on Chaeyoung's face when she saw him with me.

I hugged Jisoo and Seulgi. I looked at her hopefully .  But she didn't pay attention to me.  I felt pain as if I had been stabbed in the chest.

" Like always... it's your cousin's wedding Jendukie . Can't you come early today?" Jisoo rolled her eyes at me.
I fake smiled. As if she understood my situation, she held my hand tightly.  I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hey Kai, nice to see you here." Seulgi hand shaked with my fiancé. Yes, I am engaged to my boyfriend, Kai.

Kai looked at Chaeyoung.

"Hey Chaeyoung, it's been a long time."

She looked at me for a second and then smiled slightly at him.  I know it's a fake smile.

"Where were you? You left when Jen and I started dating, didn't you?" He laughed.

"Now look, when we got engaged, you came back." He intertwines our hands.

I didn't take my eyes off her face.  , I saw a shock and pain in her eyes, when she heard that.

"I had to fix my life. So I left." She looked at him with a smile. The smile  once i admired so much.

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