Chapter #1

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I walk into the library after earlier today Scott announced a 'pack meeting' on our very own message group. I'm wondering what this is about...

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I walk up to them and greet them.

"Hey! Ok, now that we're all here we can start. Deaton knows what escaped the Wild Hunt..." Scott says lowering his voice just for us to hear.

"What?" Lydia asks not sure what to expect.

"It's called Anuk-Ite, it's a creature of disharmony..." Corey says.

"It produces fear and it feeds from that fear growing stronger." Mason finishes Corey's sentence.

"Like what happened with those rats?" Malia asks making me think of what she and Mason told us. A rat king were his exact words, some rats freaked out, their tails knotted up, and trying to break free they killed themselves. Disgusting.

"Exactly, it's also called double faces or two faces," Mason says bringing me back to reality.

"So the point is..." I say still not knowing what we're supposed to do.

"We can't let the two faces merge..." Stiles says.

"Otherwise it would be unstoppable." Lydia finishes his sentence.

"Ok, so it's simple, keep the faces away," Malia says making it sound so easy.

"It's not that simple, we don't know who or what to keep away. We still have no clue who these two faces are," says Scoot worried.

"Do we know what it would do if it merges?" I ask

"Not really... no" Stiles answers

We stay a few seconds silent thinking about what Scott just told us, eventually the bell rings signaling that the meeting is over.

"Well, see you after school," I say taking my backpack and heading out of the library just like the others do.

"Hey, Y/n!" I hear Lydia calling me as I stop in my tracks turning around.


"Did you dream anything last night?"

"Um, no, I don't remember anything, why?" I asked surprised at her random question.

"You were mumbling something and you seemed scared..."

"I'm sure it was just a nightmare, don't worry sis," I tell her turning around to walk away.

"Then why did you say 'They're coming back?" She whispered to herself not knowing I can still hear her.

"Did you say something?" I ask as I turn around to look at her.

"No, nothing." She says not wanting to worry me.

"Okay. See ya!" I say as I walk out heading to my next class.

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