Chapter #19

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I arrive at school and walk into the building listening carefully for any voice or heartbeat. I walk through the hall seeing students turned to stone. I walk into the founders hall, stopping beside the stairs, seeing more statues. I hear two voices getting closer from upstairs so I hide behind the stairs.

"The whole school is turned to stone." I hear Lizzie say.

"I know, Lizzie!" Hope says frustrated.

"Then let's do something!" The blonde twin says.

"What? We don't know how to kill the monster, we don't know what it is and what it looks like! So what do you want to do?"

"Find a solution! I know we can do that!"

Hope sighs. "Alright, let's search for any possible clues..." The auburn says walking down the stairs. I slowly walk out of the room and head back to my car calling Scott in the process.

I meet the pack at Deaton's clinic and they tell me the plan to kill the Anuk-Ite already having the Mountain Ash.

"Where are we headed?" I ask.

"The high school." Scott says.

"That's where we're gonna find this thing?" Derek asks.

"No. It'll find us." Says Scott

We arrive at Mystic Falls high and of course Peter can't wait to hear the plan so he goes into the high school. When we go after him Lydia and Stiles stay in my the car until we tell them to come in.

We enter the high school seeing Peter turned to stone.

"He's not dead. He can't be." Malia says looking at Peter.

"There's a heartbeat, but it's faint." Derek says. We hear a sound and we all look forward, down the hall.

"We're not alone." Derek states.

Scott glances at Peter's statue then says "Let's go!"

As we take a turn we see a black figure at the end of the hall and because none of the lights are working it's only the moon's light that enters the school through the windows so we can't see a face. The figure points a shotgun at us or more like at me. Scott jumps in front of me right before the bullet can hit me.

"No!" I scream as Scott collapses with a groan. My eyes start to glow and I growl at the figure who turns around and runs away.

"I'm ok. Go!" Scott tells me and I nod running after the figure. I follow the mysterious silhouette into the woods but I lost him. I think he was a man cuz he was dressed like one and had a short haircut. I snarl in frustration retreating my claws and fangs and run back into the school.

I enter and it doesn't take long until I find Derek turned to stone. My eyes start glowing again and I open my fists brusquely, claws coming out of my fingers.

"Y/n, is that you?" My face goes pale as my eyes stop glowing. That was Allison's voice. I turn around knowing that this is the Anuk-Ite.

"Y/n, it's me." It says. This is not Allison. This is not Allison. She's dead, she was killed. This is not real. I keep saying to myself closing my eyes.

"No, it's not you!" I snarl.

"Y/n, look at me." Allison's voice says but I'm not moving. "Look at me!" This time is Stiles' voice. Void Stiles. I feel him getting closer and I turn around, throwing a hand at him in attempt to scratch him.

"You can't save them, Y/n... just like you couldn't save Allison." Void Stiles says.

"Maybe I can't, but Scott definitely can." I reply slowly walking backward as I feel him getting closer.

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