Chapter #31

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A breeze rolls down the hallways of the Salvatore school, announcing that the front door opened and making way for the two girls who just arrived from town. The door shuts behind them as they walk toward Caroline's office, entering after getting an answer from the woman.

"We got the things." Lizzie says walking in and stopping in front of the desk.

"Great!" Caroline exclaims standing up. "You can get the boys if you need help, they're on the field." She tells Lizzie then turns to Hope. "Bring me the documents, please."

Hope nods. "Right away." She says before the two leave the office, Lizzie heading outside to get the boys and Hope going back to the car.

The Mikaelson walks up to the vehicle, opening the door and taking the files from the compartment on the passenger's side. Then, she walks back into the school in complete silence, her mind being invaded by different thoughts, mostly having to do with Yn. The whole car ride she kept thinking about the green book she found in the brunette's backpack and how, in the woods, Yn's scratches seemed to heal faster than they normally should. All these thoughts lead Hope to different outcomes and vile accusations addressed to the Martin, ones she doesn't want to believe.

The auburn looks at the door in front of her leading inside the headmistress's office and shook her head to free herself from the thought running through her mind. She pushed the wooden door open and letting it close behind her as she set the documents on the desk.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Caroline says taking them and inspecting what they contained. Hope smiles in response, mostly because of the nickname the woman usually calls her, beside her daughters. To be honest, Hope saw Caroline as sort of a mother figure since her parents passed away, even though she wasn't there a lot, whenever Caroline came to visit she always treated the Mikaelson as a daughter. Hope doesn't know if it's because she feels indebted to her father given their past relationship, but she feels grateful nonetheless. "What's on your mind?"

Hope looks up to meet the blonde's gaze fixated on her, a questioning look spread across her face as the auburn frowns. "You seemed deep in thought. What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, just the party..." Hope says to get out of the headmistress's questioning session. Caroline nods understandingly and the Mikaelson turns around, taking that as her cue to leave. She steps out of the office, with a heavy sigh she walks away seeing Lizzie, MG, Kaleb and Jed carrying the boxes they brought from Mystic Falls High. She avoids them by taking the hallway to the library and from there to her dorm.

The auburn flops on her bed, her gaze trailing patterns on the ceiling as she keeps thinking about Yn. Different ideas and situations popped into her mind, making her migraine worse. She knows she had start overthinking and everything that seemed impossible became possible, she feels like she is loosing her mind and maybe she is. But the one thing Hope is certain of, is that Yn is hiding something and she will find out what.

As if on cue, a white car pulls up in the drive way and a brunette girl steps out of it, walking towards the school. Hearing the front door open with her super-hearing, Hope gets out of bed and walks down to greet her roommate. Another dilemma is their relationship status. Should Hope call Yn her girlfriend? They haven't made things official, also is one of them supposed to ask the other? And which one should? Her or Yn?

Hope lets out a loud sigh as she meets Yn halfway down the hall and walks up to her with a well practiced smile. Yn's face suddenly lits up at the sight of the auburn and leans forward for a quick but loving kiss. "Hi." The brunette greets happily.

"Hey." Hope responds not as joyful, but enough so it doesn't raise any questions. They start walking down the hall and Yn slips her hand into the auburn's quietly. Hope smiles to herself at the small yet meaningful gesture before asking. "Are you hungry?" The Mikaelson asks recalling that Yn had training right after school and probably haven't eaten.

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