13 Last Farewell

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I sat on the bleachers, beside Castor, and we watched the wolves playing on the field. "How is it?"

"It's weird." He looked at me, as we spoke. "I feel more connected to being a wolf than I did when I wasn't a hybrid."

"It's the sire bond." I explain. "That connection, the wolf mentality of community, the sire bond fills that hole. Even if it can be broken, the natural hierarchy of the bond makes me your Alpha." I shook my head. "I feel more like a witch than a wolf, so the concept of being an alpha is foreign to me."

"It shouldn't be." Cas bumped my shoulder with his. "You're a natural leader. It's what draws everyone to you. Haven't you noticed?" I snort, but he was being sincere. I gave him a you're joking me look. "Genuinely, Alice. It's not just me. You're magnetic. You have this way about you."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Think of it like charisma in Dungeons and Dragons. The way you carry yourself makes you interesting, and sometimes the way you talk is mysterious. You have a subtle sense of humor and you aren't obnoxious- why are you smiling?"

"I like hearing you talk about me."

"That-" he points at my face, his index finger very close to my nose. "Is exactly what I am talking about. I'm going to miss you for two weeks."

"You can visit me." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and extend it to him. "Put your number in. You can call me. Apparently it's a thing normal teenagers do." I joked. Cas laughed, carefree and happy in a way only someone slightly naive could be at any given time. Maybe he was just an optimist. The hybrid put his number in.

"How am I suppose to get all the way to New Orleans without a car?" He points out. I huffed.

"Good point. I'll be back in town for the day on Saturday." I still had that Clan Hela dinner to attend, after all. I brushed his feathery hair out of his eyes absently. "Maybe you can sneak off campus and meet me like in some dumb movie from the 70s."

"It's wishful thinking. Alaric has me on lockdown now that I am a hybrid." Cas considered it for a moment, and then startled when my phone started ringing in his hand. He gave it to me, and I looked at the caller ID and declined the call. "Avoiding your Mum?"

"Avoiding a lecture." I stood off the bleachers, climbed down and faced him, tucking my phone into my back pocket. "Think about branching out. You're a hybrid now. Stronger than wolves and vampires. It wouldn't hurt if you made some friends other than me." I was careful not to use the sire bond when I made the suggestion. "You could kick their asses at footie." I gestured to the wolves playing soccer. Cas grinned.

"Get out of here Mikaelson." He waved me off. I mirrored his expression, and headed across the lawn to the school. Behind me, Castor joined the wolves after several long minutes debating.

When I walked through the hallways, I received some suspicious looks from the students. Classes had ended for the day and in the morning I'd be picked up by someone. I hoped my Mum wouldn't be flying in to get me. The last thing I wanted was the Headmistress of the school being involved in my suspension.

I was lucky my father answered her phone earlier, because he had a way of breaking the news to Caroline that was vastly different than how she would've taken it from Saltzman instead.

"Alice! You got suspended!" Elizabeth exclaimed when her and Josette spotted me. I paused in my step so they could catch up with me. Josette didn't seem all too content with associating with me but Lizzie slung an arm around my shoulders. I wanted to shrug her off.

"You know about that?"

"Everyone knows." Josette deadpans. "The blood feast and everything."

"It's not that big of a deal." I told the brunette twin, and she gave me a nasty look.

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