24 Pushkin and Diaghilev

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The next week, other than the weather continuously raining, there wasn't much change to my schedule. I had long days in class, ending with time spent with sisters or the friends I've made, and finally before tucking in for the night- I would go over the plan with Aleksandr. Over and over until he could repeat it in his sleep. It was simple, as far as breaking and entering goes, but for a warlock who had never done such a thing before, repetition was necessary.

It was halfway through the week before I knew it. I sat at lunch with all my family present. Hope, Elizabeth and Josette. We all ate the horrible cafeteria food. Every time I bit into a sloppy burger or greasy pizza I remembered the cute healthy vegan cafes I would go to on the Thames. I missed Europe. I missed my father, and it was worse knowing he was in New Orleans and yet I was stuck at school.

"... rather be staying here for Christmas." Hope was explaining to the twins. I blinked and tuned into the conversation.

"What? Why?" I inquired.

"Because Landon doesn't have a family to go home to." Elizabeth answered bluntly. I scowled.

"If I'm going to New Orleans for Christmas break, so are you." I decided for Hope, she gave me a look that said she didn't like such finality in my comments. "Actually, I think you two should go too." I tell the twins. "It's been years since you've been to New Orleans." Elizabeth beamed and nodded eagerly.

"Yes! It doesn't get so cold there. I'm ready for a vacation." She clapped her hands together.

"It'll still rain there." Josette reminds her sister with less enthusiasm.

"Don't be such a buzz kill." I reprimanded Josette. The witch frowned at me. "We'll all go to celebrate the holidays or whatever. Aunt Freya always decorated for Christmas and even if not everyone will be there, our Mum can be, and Aunt Hayley." I picked at my meal with my fork. "Since Dad won't be there, you should just invite London." I told Hope.

"I suppose. I don't know if I want to bring him around the family just yet."

"You worry too much." I reassured her. Besides, if there was a full house they may not miss me if I spent Yuletide in New York. By then, it will be public that I'm engaged to Anastasia and if I didn't witness Yule with her and her family, it would be disrespectful and inappropriate. Honestly, assuming all goes well to that point, I looked forward to Yule in Clan Hela.

Disappearing for a few days would go noticed in most cases but if there was a full house and we were in New Orleans, it's not a leap to think that I could go unseen for awhile. The Mikaelson compound is huge and there are times when I'm working on something in my spell book that I don't leave my room for a couple days other than a midnight trip to the kitchen for sustenance. Not only was my Mum use to that behavior but Freya even understood it.

In truth, the only people who would even question my whereabouts for two or three days was the girls sitting near me now. If they were preoccupied, I might just get away with it.

But Yule was almost two months away. A lot could happen between now and then. Considering how unpredictable my life has been lately, it was anyone's guess what it'll be like by Christmas.

"If she brought Landon, would that give all of us a plus one?" Elizabeth asked. I seized the opportunity.

"Of course. I don't see our Mum having an issue with it. Especially since she'll be supervising anyways." I doubted Caroline would say no to her girls. And that included Hope. One big happy family.

"I want to invite Michael." Elizabeth decided. I kept my face neutral but I did feel a little bad for the new vampire for the smothering hospitality Elizabeth extended to him in a misled hope he would show some interest in her. And I wouldn't crush her dreams either by admitting that Michael had all but taken me out on a date last week.

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