6 Women Who Like Flowers

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Aleksandr and Anastasia arrived at the Salvatore boarding school a few weeks after Hope Mikaelson arrived. It led me to wonder if they knew about her bloodline and was lying to my face about it. The ash tree, according to the information I'd stolen, is reported to have been discovered two years after Hope's arrival. But just because it was discovered at that time, did not mean it hadn't occurred as a supernatural phenomenon years prior. Considering the maturity of the tree, it had to be several years old. It's impossible to say if it's size suggests it's even older than me- because of the root's access to constant water from the lake... it could easily have matured quickly, rendering it young.

The twins on the other hand, would be more difficult to approach. A tree can be analyzed and I can pinpoint it's source, but it will take time. Longer because I still have to attend classes and maintain the appearance of a normal teenage girl. The twins will treat me as an equal and even as family, but families fight and they don't always trust one another. So their actions will tell a story vastly different than how they really feel about me.

I'll do anything to gain their trust, but the moment they suspect I have any suspicion or ill will it will be game over. After the little fiasco at the party, Aleksandr will be eager to speak with me about blood magic. It is magic that the Clan Hela only teaches at their academies. It's possible that even the twins weren't trained in it, considering how young they were when joining the Salvatore school.

And now I'd be facing meeting their parents. With any luck, their parents were born and raised in the American faction of the clan, and therefore wouldn't know who I am. It was unlikely. Full-fledged members were in constant communication with their counterparts across the world. My wishful thinking on the matter wouldn't help me. Two weeks is the time I had to look into Aleksandr and Anastasia's presence here, and their parent's station in the clan.

It seemed too fast. I would be more effective if I actually shared with someone what I was doing and got some help. Unfortunately, I got my trust issues from my father. The fact that Xavier and Castor even knew I had private information was enough to make me uncomfortable. My circle was getting alarming large of the students I needed to keep track of.

The Saltzman twins, Alek and Anna, Xavier, Hope, Castor- not to mention keeping off the radar of the rest of the students. I was managing it, because I'd spent enough time with my father to learn how to juggle so many elements when approaching a threat or settling up blackmail. Which is what I needed if things went south with the Clan Hela.

"Alice." I nearly jumped out of my skin when Hope materialized in the room. I hadn't even seen her come in. My heart pounded against my rib cage. My sister recognized that she startled me. "What are you reading?"

I slam my book closed, and swing my legs off the side of the bed, standing up and grabbing my phone to leave.

"How long are you going to give me the silent treatment for?" Hope demands. I glanced at her as I passed by, without a word in her direction. Honestly, I didn't care that she stepped into my little row with Lizzie. But a normal teenager would hold a grudge. So I was trying to be normal. Sorry, Hope. It was a small thing. She'd get over it. Maybe I'll even get an apology.

I walked down the hallway, tucking my grimoire under an arm. It was lunchtime, but Lizzie had been avoiding me and Josette was giving me the stink eye whenever I saw her around. To say I didn't have much of an appetite was putting it lightly. Now, there was a manhunt for the one who broke into Saltzman's office. Most students reported seeing me and Xavier at the party, especially considering the witch fight that almost broke out.

So we were in the clear. And I heard someone exonerate Castor by bringing up he had the keys to the office, so he had no reason to bust the lock. The wolf also hasn't come forward to accuse the real guilty party. Again, probably because he was trying to stay on my good side. Before arriving to Mystic Falls, I wasn't aware I had a good side.

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