27 It's Complicated

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The healing bath seemed a little overkill. But considering the lengths Anastasia went to; filling the bathtub with essential oils, salts, and herbs that floated on the surface... I decided not to reject. The water turned a little milky in color. She left me to it.

I walked over to the mirror and realized that I definitely needed a good washing. Blood was still splattered across my neck and had dripped down my chest. My chin was mostly wiped free from the crimson and what was left had dried brown. I quickly undressed, which wasn't too difficult since all I wore was a skimpy dress to begin with. One that was designed to pull off quickly.

The water was hot when I sunk into it, but my skin tingled instead of burned. A sensation I had grown to believe was an indication that if I was human- the water would be too hot.

Anastasia and Aleksandr would presumably be returning to the festival. After all, their mother still expected them too and the event went on through the night and into the next day. My energy was all but drained after the invocation magic placed such a heavy weight on making me essentially human. The aftereffects were apparently extreme fatigue. I couldn't believe that this is what a human might've gone through if they had fought like I did.

How miserable, how did they ever manage it?

I dried my hands off and picked up my phone. It was close to three am, but I didn't hesitate to call my father. I put him on speaker as the call rang, withdrawing my hand back under the bath water.

"Alice." He greeted upon pickup. "I presume you're calling me to reassure me that you've been staying out of trouble." His voice carried a hint of sarcasm.

"My name has been stricken from the list. I'm a protectorate of Anastasia Ravenson, my betrothed. At least until I turn." I report the information. I looked over as there's a soft knock on the bathroom door and Aleksandr slowly peeked his head inside. I gesture for him to come in, but he could hear the conversation over the phone, so he walked inside quietly.

"You've been busy." The original hybrid chuckled on the other end. "Has the date for the marriage been decided?"

"No." I met gazes with Aleksandr as the warlock sat on the bench beside the window across the room. "After tonight I don't believe Maria Ravenson will be in a rush to marry her daughter to me. I haven't been removed from her list."

"I see. A problem for tomorrow." Niklaus decided. I agreed with him. "There is something I don't quite understand. Why go to such lengths to be removed- if only temporarily- from the list? I've been on it for decades and have no reason to bargain." He points out. Because I have a ritual to save Hope that needs to channel the magic from a bloodline, and there's no bloodline stronger than one from Clan Hela. I scratched my chin, working up an answer.

"Mum wants me to stay at school. I can't do that if I'm being hunted by a global coven. Besides... I've grown fond of being there." None of my words were a lie, but none of them were the real reason for my actions tonight. "I've actually made... friends."

Aleksandr smiled knowingly when I said so. I rolled my eyes but was smiling all the same.

"You know what I think about that."

"I know. Friends and enemies are often born in the same place." I recalled his phrase. "How's New Orleans?"

"Oh, you know." Niklaus huffed. "The streets run with blood and Marcellus whines about it until I swoop in and save the day." I hear someone in the background mock his words. My father chuckled. "I'll talk to your mother about the marriage."

"Thanks Dad."


"Forever." I answer, and the call dies. Aleksandr raised an eyebrow.

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