2 Moron, Mutiny, Murder

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"I've never seen Mrs. Freeman so caught off guard before." Elizabeth tells me as we exit third hour classes for lunch.

"I was lucky that your father hadn't introduced me yet to her. Otherwise I don't think she would've called on me anyway." I didn't think it was a big deal, the witch had been the one to ask for a lecture, so I gave her one. But the news of it had already traveled through the school and apparently it was some sort of novelty to be so arrogant. Arrogance was not my intention, regardless of how it came across. Introducing myself at the end was meant to lighten the blow.

The only reason I knew all that stuff was because who I was. It would be weird if I didn't know my own family's history.

"At any rate, you shouldn't be friends with Xavier. He's not a good guy." Elizabeth warns, a bit of concern in her tone. As she spoke, she waved to other students whom we passed by. The multi-tasking took away from the weight of her words.

"My bite kills vampires, Elizabeth. I'll be fine." I reminded her. I didn't plan on being on friendly terms with anyone, so her words were unnecessary. But it was her way to show she cared and it was my way to point out I didn't need fawning over. Still, I wouldn't underestimate a vampire.

The only vampires I'd been around were family, and they had nothing but good intentions for me. Maybe my aunts and uncles would squabble, but they all doted on Hope and I. I was never around any other vampires for an extended amount of time. Mostly just witches and wolves. As someone who hadn't triggered her vampirism- wolves accepted me and witches didn't hate me.

"You know you're the only person who calls me Elizabeth." Lizzie told me as we entered the refectory.

"It's your name, darling. It's what I intend on using."

She laughed and rolled her eyes, evidently ecstatic that I'm here. This time I did eat the lunch. It wasn't horrible but it was bland compared to the food I liked to cook. These meals were prepped for a large group of teenagers, it was about utilitarianism and was nothing about art.

"Lizzie, why don't you introduce me?" Two students walked up and sit on each side of Lizzie, across the table from me. The one who spoke was male, and the other seemed to be female. They looked very similar, which led me to believe they were siblings. Despite being opposite gender, they clearly worked to make themselves nearly identical. They both had dark hair that was a mixture of long and short, long on the top so that it touched their shoulders, but buzzed short on the sides of their head.

The male had his hair braided down the middle of his head, with golden cuffs adorning the locks. While his twin sister had hers styled to the side, hiding one side of her head and flaunting the other side. A dark curtain of hair partially hid her left eye as a result.

"This is Alice." Elizabeth told them, a short introduction. It was clear, however, they they already knew who I was because they hadn't taken curious gazes off me since they sat down with their trays of food.

"I'm Aleksandr, with a K." The man extends his hand over the table to greet me formally. I glance to his hand and back to his face, not exactly liking the vibes I was getting from him. Both of them, actually. The way they observed me like a predator was off-putting. Despite that, I put on a face and shook his hand, feeling a sort of ancient magic simmering under his touch. They were witches. "This is my sister, Anastasia. Or Anna, as people like to call her."

"Much to my chagrin." Anastasia picked up where her twin left off. I wondered what Eastern Europe country their heritage was from. Based on their accents, they were born in America. But something about their magic struck me as Eastern Europe. Not to mention the pagan symbols on the pendants hanging from their necks. Hell, I'd spent enough time there to distinguish it from other regions. Perhaps it was where their coven originated from. I wasn't interested enough to ask.

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