16 Priestesses are Not First Borns

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I stepped up to the home. It was beautiful, a remodeled old mansion with columns in the front in nineteenth century style. It had been repainted in a mixture of grey and black. But the house itself was not special in a town like Mystic Falls. It was the nature of the home that make it unique against the background of a suburban neighborhood. Vines with white flowered crawled up the columns and side of the houses, tall enough to just reach the roof. Trees loomed on either side, branches with thick leaves that hung off them like seaweed looked to be reaching towards the second-story mansion.

Black wrought iron gates were latched, separating the front lawn from the sidewalk. Lawn was more like a garden, with untrimmed bushes up to my hips with blossoming white roses. The gates squeaked open on their hinges as I pause before them, magically opening for my appearance.

I had fixed some kohl over my eyelids in the common nature of Clan Hela. In fact, as a member I shouldn't use magic without the makeup. It was something to mark the witches and warlocks separately from the others. But I didn't typically bother since I used magic so often and kohl was a bitch to wash off. As the gate opens, the front doors open in sync. Aleksandr, apparently prompted by the noise, walked down the front steps to greet me.

I meet him in the middle, heading towards the mansion. Aleksandr's hands were clasped behind his back. The long parts of his hair was also braided, his eyes darkened with kohl. Streaks of the black went down his cheeks in smears. Like someone took their fingers with kohl, and dragged them from his eyes downwards.

Aleksandr wore something similar to me, but his top was in a subtle grey-green color. It was knitted tightly, but fit his broad shoulders in the same way mine fit me. Turtle neck, clinging a little tighter in the sleeves, and baggy everywhere else. As he approached, he glanced at me up and down. Seeming satisfied with how I showed up based on the gentle smirk growing across his face.

"Alice Njordson." He spoke as we came to a stop, facing one another, only a couple feet away. Too close for casual acquaintances, but not so close that I felt I needed to take a step back.

"I hoped to greet your sister for the gifts." I blinked slowly, a lazy smile twisting up the corners of my peachy lips. I tilted my head slightly, and Alek mirrored me on the other side.

"I apologize for the disappointment."

"I suppose I'll have to settle." I banter back, holding his hazel gaze that seemed more green with his choice of clothing and the natural lighting. "What is it?" I clutch the glass bottle in my hand tighter as Aleksandr pulled the object from behind his back and held it up at eye level.

"The symbol of Njord." He introduced. The pendant hanging from a leather cord was cut from obsidian, and carved into the shape of a ship. It's sails were numerous, and it's detail was ornate for the size.

"Eternal snow." I pulled out the bottle, filled with powdery white ice that would never melt. The bottle was corked and labeled with neat handwriting. The cork was melted with max to the glass, and a hay string had been fastened to it, holding both the herbs vervain and lavender.

Alek's eyes glittered with interest, and he held his hands out, palms facing up. Necklace still hooked on his fingers. I place my hands in his, trapping the two gifts between our fingers. "For å feire trolldomsgudinnen." To celebrate the goddess of sorcery.

Our voices fell into unison. Black veins crawled up our arms, turning our hands solid black. Aleksandr passes me the pendant, and I hand over the snow. I run my thumb over the intricate design, feeling the magic engrained in the gift.

"How long does this last for?" Alek wondered, indicating his black hands.

"Twelve hours. It will spread to your elbows and the veins up the rest of your arms and neck. I think it's cool." I explain. "You haven't done the ceremony of Gift giving before? Why?"

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