28 I'm trying

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"This is a little early for you." Xavier's voice cut the silence. He walked through the tall grass towards me. I sat facing the Mutated ash tree, my grimoire open in front of me. The sun was barely brightening the sky. I hadn't been able to sleep and I had already decided what my next magical attempt would be, so I decided to begin my day early.

Every day for the last two weeks, I've been working on magic that's pushed me to my extreme. It's made me exhausted, but also unable to sleep, and itchy. So itchy. It became impossible to do any magic during class and the massive spells I've been working on otherwise. So some classes I just stopped going to. I've received a worried lecture from my Mum already, and I think she believes I'm going through some depression because she didn't pressure me after that.

I've already admitted to what I was doing with my circle of friends. At least, the basics of it. I've told the twins, Xavier, Castor and Michael that I've been working on heavy magic recently- because otherwise they would have noticed my avoidance from them. Somehow, Xavier always managed to find me, so it didn't matter if I avoided him. Hope has noticed the change as well, but I've continued sparring with her in the mornings and shifting with her in the evenings to run through the woods. It seemed that, as long as I continued these things, she would think I was okay.

Elizabeth sometimes accompanied me when I performed magic. I especially requested her to come when I knew I'd probably pass out from the drain. But the witch didn't ask why I was doing these spells. Knowing her, she probably already came to a conclusion why I was doing these things. She probably thought that I was trying to prove myself or that I was punishing myself. After all, why would someone repeatedly drain their energy day after day?

"Yes, figured I'd watch the sunrise." I replied to the vampire. Xavier walked over and sat beside me on the blanket I had laid across the damp grass.

"You could not sleep?" He guessed, seeing through my statement immediately. I slowly nodded. "Did you try chamomile?" I smiled softly.


"What are you working on?" He recognized that no amount of insisting would get me to return to my dorms to sleep, so he redirected the conversation.

"I'm going to turn the mutated ash tree into a regular ash tree." I told him. The vampire raised an eyebrow, and tilted his head.

"I did not think that was possible."

"If you had asked me a month ago, I would've told you I'd never even attempt something like that." I admit. "But... after some research I find that it's been done before by practiced Alchemists."

"I think you would have mentioned by now if you were a practiced Alchemist." He points out. "Did you decide on plans for Thanksgiving break?"

"Yes. I'll be staying on campus. Over Christmas, I'll be going to New Orleans with my family and the Ravensons. Hope is bringing Landon, Josette is bringing this werewolf girl, and Elizabeth has invited Michael. We'll see if that last one pans out." I explain. "And your flight?"

"All sorted." Xavier blinked and narrowed his eyes on me. "How are your grades?" I snorted, because there's no way he actually cared about my grades.

"Did Hope ask you to ask me?" I wondered. He nodded. "She's been on my ass about it. As if I can't just compel myself into college if I wanted to go."

"College is definitely more fun if you go once you are a vampire." Xavier agreed with my silent statement woven through my response. "The first time I went, I majored in medicine. I learned fairly quick that humanity is only beautiful because it is fleeting. Instead I majored in literature. I never graduated, of course."

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