What just happened?

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I finally felt complete.

Hanji was on the back on my horse; head resting on the back of my shoulder and arms tightly wrapped around my waist. But then I remembered where we were heading...


Erwin would be there and Hanji will ask him about the ring.
I decided to slow my horse down so it was neatly trotting across the plain. It felt like a cheesy movie seen. All we needed was a sunset and Hanji needed a long, white, flowing dress. And, man, would she look beautiful in it.



What was I thinking?

"Hanji probably hates me.. She'll never like me back, and once she has recovered, she'll be annoying as ever and I'll loose interest. I know it." I thought as my hair drifted slightly in front of my face.

"Hey, Levi?" Hanji finally peeped out. Her head was still resting on me.

"Hm?" I responded quietly.

"Why did you slow down so much?" She asked confused, starting to slowly sit up.

"Oh.. I guess I got distracted.." I responding while slightly shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, can you.. Um... Speed up a little? Like I said before, I'm kinda homesick and want to get to bed as quickly to as possible." She gave a light laugh at the end and rested her head back onto my shoulder. I assumed she was tired. Yeah, that's it just tired, nothing else.

"..sure." I mumbled. I sped up the slightest bit, hoping she would be satisfied with it and I wouldn't have to go any faster.

We rode in silence for about 2 minuets when Headquarters started to come into view in the distance.

"Home sweet home~" I could hear Hanji whisper sweetly. I could practically feel her smile against me. I'm not going to lie, I smiled a little too, but it quickly faded as I noticed we were much closer to the castle. I just wanted this moment to last forever..

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We made it.
I drove my horse into its stable and helped Hanji off him after I leaped off. I closed the gate after Hanji walked out of the stall.

"Do you need help getting back to your room?" I asked stoically as I clicked the lock shut on the wooden door.

"Umm.." She took a step with a limp. "..yeah, that would help." She let out an awkward laugh.

I walked over to her and we got into the same position we were in when we were leaving the hospital. As we were nearing the entrance, I could feel my face getting warmer and warmer until it started to burn. I lowered my head so the sides of my hair would block the view of my face. I could tell Hanji was staring at me, but I ignored it.

"Are you ok?" She asked hesitantly.

"Tch, yeah. Why? Do you think something's wrong?" I asked as I decided to look up and glare so it didn't seem I was trying to hide something.

"Well, you look a little red.."

"I'm probably sunburned form having to ride so far to pick up your butt from the hospital." I said coldly. I looked forward, and noticed we were at the huge doors.

I gulped and slowly opened the door. We started to make our way down the hallway.

"If anyone sees us I will kill them..." I thought to myself. I kept a keen eye on everything.

I heard footsteps.


If I were to runaway, Hanji would get really suspicious. I kept my head low.

No, not him.


Why that idiot? He can never keep his mouth shut about anything.

"H-Heichou?" He asked as confused as ever.

"What, brat?" I asked staring daggers into him. He froze where he was, afraid to say anything.

"Umm..." He thought of the right thing to say. "So I'm assuming you picked H-Hanji up?" He asked with a shake in his voice. He smiled nervously.

"Yeah, is there a problem with that?" I asked angrier.

"No sir! Glad you're back Miss Zöe!" He saluted and walked off. Hanji gave him her signature smile.

"Tsk.." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"Haha! Lighten up! He's just a little boy, you don't have to be so harsh!" Hanji said as she nudged me. I rolled my eyes response as we continued. After what felt like an eternity, we made it to her bedroom/office. We went to her bed and she plopped her back onto the bed with her legs dangling off the side of the mattress. She put her unwrapped hand on her forehead underneath her bangs.

"Thank you so much for everything, Levi." She said exhausted. I gave a small nod and just stood there staring at her.
I don't know what I was thinking.

"Umm, you can leave now..." Hanji said when she noticed I was just standing there. A pink tint crossed her cheeks, and it did on mine too. I quickly walked out the door and semi-slammed the door behind me in the process. I went upstairs and got changed for bed. I laid down and drifted into sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I shot out of bed to the sound of glass shattering.

"What was that?!" I thought to myself. I froze for just a second, then immediately threw the covers off of me and grabbed my robe.

It better not be those bratty cadets.
If it was, I would absolutely kill them.

I charged down the hallway with my hands clenched in fists by my sides. I heard faint talking in the distance.

"Hanji?" I thought as I slowed down next to her office. I pushed my ear against the door and listened.

It was Erwin...


"So, were you scared?" Erwin asked.

"I couldn't have if I was knocked out! Haha!" I heard Hanji laugh.

I decided to open the door just enough to let me peak my head in, and I regretted it.




A million thoughts raced threw my head.

She must have told him about the ring...

My eyes widened completely as I stared at what was before me.

Hanji? W-why would you do this? Why would you kiss Erwin?

I was gonna run in and yell at him to get away, but then I noticed.

That was not just any kiss, you could tell it was passionate. Hanji may have had her eyes wide, but she didn't back away, and she let it be. I slowly closed the door again.

Now that they're a thing, I got no chance with her... Why..Why Erwin? Out of all people why that filthy idiot?!

I trudged back to my room and threw my robe off onto the couch that was in my office then went into my bedroom to which was to the left of the office. A laid down, head into the pillows.

Why do I have the urge to cry?!...
Ok, you know what?! I DONT like her. If I keep convincing myself that, then I'll loose interest.

My thoughts eventually drifted me off into sleep.

Hey guys! Did you like it? ((Sorry Erwin for making you the bad guy! QnQ)) I'd really appreciate if you vote and comment so I can know when to update and what you guys like :D see you next time!

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