Author's Note (again XD) please read! <3

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Hey guys! I got good news!

So that means more updates!! (Well probably XD)

And I wanted to know,
1) since I've improved my writing quite a bit since I started, should I go back through my old chapters and re read them and fix them a bit? So then they're more specific and stuff like that? X3
2) should I write a drawing book? Just full of my drawings? Idk, it's up to you guys 😋
3) well, this I'm not going to do for awhile, but should I write a Levi x reader story in the future? I love those a lot and I think it would be fun to write one of my own :3
And lastly
4)should I have an updating schedule? This would be only for this summer tho, because school throws everything off QnQ if so, what should the schedule be?

Ok, so it would be awesome if you guys could respond to these questions! ^^ and, I just wanted to say,
I can't express that enough, I love love love every single one of you! Enough to where if you guys want me to follow you I will!! If you want me to, just tell me, cuz you deserve it :D and thank you soooooo much for still reading my terrible story XD you are so kind, and I don't deserve that and yet here you are ❤️ till next time,
~Charlotte ps

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