Let's Go Home

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My eyes slowly fluttered open to the sunlight radiating through the window. I squinted while I tried to get my eyes to focus on my surroundings.

"Mmm, you know how to make toast over a fire! I always burn mine, haha." I heard a familiar muffled voice say.

"Hanji, finish chewing before you speak. You might choke!" Another voice laughed.

I sat up and saw Hanji eating toast in bed and Lydia was making more toast while standing near the furnace and spreading butter on the slices.

"Hey, Levi! You're awake! I got breakfast ready." Lydia told me. I swiped my hand through my black locks and stood up sloppily. I walked over and sat down in a seat at the table and Lydia placed a plate of two slices of toast in front of me.

"If you want more just let me know." Lydia informed me while she sat down to eat her own toast.

I was eating my toast when hear a certain someone snickering. I turn around to face her.

"Okay," I sighed with agitation while pinching the bridge of my noes. "What is it now?"

"It's just that you got a major bedhead! Hahaha it looks so adorable!" Hanji burst out.

I could feel unwanted heat rise on my cheeks.


I quickly turned around started to fix my hair. "Tch, shut up. At least it's not as bad as that bird's nest on your head you call hair." I scoffed while picking up a piece of toast. I was about to take a bite when I hear Hanji starting to speak in the background.

"Imagine actual birds living in my hair... That would be so cool! I could be my own ecosystem or something! What if-"

"Hanji." I slightly yelled while giving her a glare.

She laughed before saying, "Okay, okay, fine. I'll shut up now."

"Good..." I mumbled. I heard one last snort before silence fell.

Once we all finished eating breakfast, it was time to pack up to go back to headquarters.
"Well, it's about time we get going. Everyone at headquarters is probably worried about us." I said as stood up from my chair.

"Yeah, good idea." Lydia agreed.

As Lydia put the plates away, I went to carry Hanji out of bed. I slipped my shoes on as I went outside to greet my horse. I helped Hanji onto him and untied him from the post.

"Thank you so much, Lydia! If you need anything let us know because we owe you big time!" Hanji said to Lydia from on top the horse. Lydia responded with a smile then leaned over to me.

"Don't forget about that date." She whispered in my ear. I gave a small nod without changing my expression and Hanji and I continued on our way.

"Bye Hanji! Bye Levi!" Lydia yelled while waving her hand as high as possible.

"Bye!" Hanji yelled back. We turned a corner and we could no longer see Lydia.

~Time Skip~

After some time, we arrived at headquarters. I put my horse in its stall and carried Hanji to the infirmary. Everyone was eating breakfast at the time, so no one saw us passing through. I explained Hanji's injuries to the nurses after placing her on one the beds. They went to observe her gash across her stomach and gasped.

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