Planning and Dreaming

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"Hanji really likes you too."


"So I have a plan." She told me.

"A plan?" I said half mockingly and half interested. "What kind of plan?" I took a sip of the tea.

"To get your first date to be the best date ever!" She cheered, as if it was obvious.

"What?" I almost spit out my tea. "Who says we're going on a date anytime soon?"

"I say you're going on a date soon." She said while putting a thumb up to her chest, pointing to herself. "And I want to help plan your first date."

"What do you know about dating? You're nine." I stated.

"Doesn't mean I haven't seen other people go on dates!" She exclaimed.

"Oi! You're gonna wake up Hanji." I said in a harsh whisper.

"Oops, sorry." She paused. "Well I want your date to be like the ones in books where they are perfect." Lydia continued.

"Well I don't want my first date to be cheesy. Still romantic, but not cheesy." I directed.

"Don't worry, it won't. Now, when will you ask her?" She questioned.

"Ugh..." I sighed, frustrated that she wouldn't give up until I agreed. "Not sure... But it will be after she heals, because we can't go on a date if she's injured." I informed her. She nodded in agreement.

"Well you need to come visit me after you ask her so I can start setting up." She told me.

"Ok, but it will take a few weeks. About 2 or 3. Also, how will you 'set up' this date?" I asked.

She explained everything to me.
We will start with going to a fancy restaurant called "Riverside Orchard" around 6 pm for dinner. She told me about how her parents would go there on dates and always comeback extremely happy. Afterwards, we will come to her house for a "surprise", that could possibly last till 10 pm depending on how much we enjoy the surprise.

"What is this surprise?" I asked her.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you!" She responded.

"Should I dress formally?"

"If you don't want to be embarrassed at Riverside Orchard, then yes."

We continued to talk about random things until Lydia randomly interrupted.

"It's getting late!" She exclaimed while looking out the window. "I'm going to go out to get us some dinner. If you want, you can wake Hanji up while I'm gone and tell her we'll be eating soon." She stood up and was about to leave when she stopped.
"...or you could ask her on a date." She said with a teasing smile.

"Tch, shut up." I responded coldly.

She bursted out into a fit of laughter. I just glared at her as she walked over to her dresser. "Ok, ok. Whatever." She said with a smile still remaining on her face. She pulled out the top drawer and grabbed some coins. She then put on a jacket and walked out the door.

"Be back soon!" She waved and left.

I sat there for a few minuets before I looked over at Hanji who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I hated to interrupt, but I walked up to her anyway. I looked at her for a moment before thinking-

Maybe I should let her sleep a little more...

I decided to sit at the edge of the bed, near her feet. I just sat there and watched her sleep, which may sound creepy, but it's not like anyone was there.

She started to shift around, so I got off the bed to give her room to do that. I then noticed that her face wasn't soft and relaxed anymore. She had an extremely worried expression. I wasn't sure if I should wake her up. She was obviously having some sort of nightmare.
She continued to move slightly. I then noticed a tear forming out of her eye.
It slowly rolled down her cheek. She started to breathe audibly. More tears started to stream down her face and her short breaths became louder.

"Hey, Hanji. Wake up." I said softly while placing my hand on her ankle and shaking it. She still remained asleep while crying and with her eyebrows furrowed together.
She started to mumble something within her sobs, which I couldn't make out at first.

"L-...Le-.. Levi! No!" She eventually yelled out. Many tears ran out from her shut eyes when she spoke.

"Hanji! Wake up!" I now yelled while putting my hands on her shoulders and shaking her more, but not being too rough because of her injuries.

Her eyes sprung open at that moment and her face immediately softened. One last tear left her eyes. She let her eyes focus on what was above her.

"L-Levi?" She whispered with a tremble in her voice.

"Yeah, it's me."

She looked around and realized we were still at Lydia's house.
"What happened?" She asked while sitting up a little; supporting herself with her arms.

"You started to cry and yell in your sleep." I said after sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh... Did I say anything out loud?"

I looked down at my hands. "No." I lied.

"Oh. I guess that's good."

"Why? What was the dream about?" I asked, wanting to know why she was yelling my name in her sleep.

"Well..." She sighed before continuing, "You and I were there, a-and you were-"

"Okay, I'm back!" Lydia interrupted with a smile while flinging the door open. She held a basket in her hand. She looked at Hanji and her smile faded. "Is something wrong?" She asked when she noticed Hanji's tear stained face.

"I'm fine! Let's eat." Hanji said with a fake smile while adjusting her glasses on her nose.


Hey guys! :3 how did you like the story?
So, tell me what you guys think the dream was about! I'm curious on what you imagine while you read :)

And guess what! I had a dream last night that I went to prom with Levi XD it was amazing lol
Anyway! Remember to vote, Comment, and share!! See you soon!

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