The Secret

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"Hanji, you should probably get some rest. Let me get you a blanket." Lydia suggested to Hanji while getting off of the bed.

Hanji slowly adjusted herself to lay onto her back. Lydia shortly returned after grabbing a quilt from her drawers. She draped it over Hanji's limp body. "Thank you." Hanji said quietly with a faint smile. She shut hers eyes and relaxed. I continued to kneel beside the bed. I watched as she fell into a deep sleep. I guess it was sort of creepy, but the only one watching was Lydia. I placed my hand on Hanji's hair and stroked it. I was extremely relieved she could finally get some rest.

"You really care about her, don't you?" Lydia's voice chimed, which made me jump.

"That's none of your business." I snapped back, mainly because I wanted to cover up my jump. She raised an eyebrow at me and had an expression of disbelief plastered on her face. She crossed her arms.

"It's my job, ok?" I responded in annoyance.

"No. Not ok. I can tell you like her." She paused, "Here, I'll make some tea." She walked up to the table and I followed. I sat while she prepared the tea.

Tch.. Brat...

~Mini Time Skip~

She handed me a cup. I took a sip.

"This is really good, actually." I commented and took another sip.

"Thanks, my mom taught me how to make it." She sad with a smile, but sadness filled her eyes while thinking about her parents.

"So," she perked up while taking a seat. "When are you gonna ask her out?" And she gave me a nudge.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied while looking to the side.

"Pah-lease." She said in disbelief, popping the 'p'. "It's so obvious you like her. You risked your life to save her! C'mon, just admit it."

I can't believe I'm gonna tell a little girl this... But here it goes...

"Ok, ... fine. I might have slight feelings for her.." I mumbled into my teacup as I went to take another sip.

"I knew it!" She cheered in victory. "And guess what she told me while you were gone getting medicine." She said quietly while leaning in.

"What." I responded while rolling my eyes, but in the inside, I actually wanted to know what Hanji said.

"Eh, ...never mind..." She said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey," I said aggravated, while placing a fist onto the table to catch her attention. "Don't start something and not finish it. Now tell me what she said." I demanded while placing my cup on the table.

She laughed and said, "I was just kidding." She then leaned in farther and held her hand on the side of her mouth to make sure only I could hear. I leaned in a bit too, being quite interested in what they gossiped about.

"She really likes you too."

I lean back into my chair and my eyes were wide in disbelief. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Lydia, that's not funny to joke around about."

"What? I'm not lying! She actually told me that!"

I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit, but I continued to glare at her.

"Haha! You're blushing!" She pointed out.

"Shut up."

Hanji actually likes me?

HI!! :D short chapter, I know, but I hope you enjoyed anyway!
Soooo, I joined the watties2015! I'm still not Completely sure how it works, but if it's a voting thing, please vote for me! XD
And guys...

5K READS AND 300+ VOTES! YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING!!! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!❤️❤️ I wish there was a way I could express it more X3 I really do appreciate every single vote and comment.
Tell me your opinions on my story! I LOVE to hear what you got to say!

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