Just an Accident?

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Hanji went upstairs and got dressed for the day. She also put on an apron on top of her uniform. She walked outside of her room and looked inside the her mailbox.
It was simply a box beside her door, but she would get notes, letters, or paperwork from people. She had one note, the same note she had everyday; her chore list. She unfolded the paper and written there was multiple chores. The first one was to wash the windows. She got up and went to the cabinet to get the cleaning supplies.

"I wonder who my partner will be today..." Hanji pondered to herself. Everyday you would get a different partner, depending on your job. So, who would wash windows with her?

Hanji stopped because she heard someone coming. She looked up and saw Levi. He started to grab the same supplies as her.

"Oh, so I guess I'm working with Levi today." Hanji thought again. He quickly got his stuff and walked off, but he stopped halfway down the hallway.

"Hanji." He said suddenly.

"What is it?" She asked while spinning her body around to face him.

"Start in your room then make your way down the hallway, cleaning each room. We'll eventually meet in the same room." He said lifelessly.

"Yes sir" Hanji agreed.

Levi gave a small nod and went down the hallway. Hanji grabbed her last cleaning supply and went to her room because it was at the end of the hallway. She went inside and started spraying the cleaner and wiping it with a cloth.
Of course Hanji got sidetracked with thinking of her studies with Titans while she worked.
There was ten rooms all together on that floor and she was in her third room when Levi came bursting in, causing her to jump.

"What's taking so long? I'm already done!" He said through the white cloth around his face. Levi is always cleaning though, so he's always fast at it.

"I guess I was daydreaming.." She mumbled then paused. "I'll start over here." Hanji said as she went to left side of the large window in the room. Levi went to the opposite end and started to clean.
Hanji couldn't get anywhere close to cleaning as fast as he was and actually make it look good. They eventually met in the middle of the window. Levi slowed down a little bit when he reached the center.

"Well, this is awkward..." Hanji thought.

"Uh, Levi?" Hanji eventually asked.

Levi jumped because he wasn't expecting her to say anything, even though that would be out of her character. When she surprised him, he accidentally sprayed his bottle of cleaner all over Hanji's face. Hanji let out a short gasp in surprise then laughed.

"Well it's a good thing I have my glasses on!" She giggled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He breathed out while rolling his eyes. "Here, give me those." Levi said. He grabbed Hanji's glasses by the bridge between the lenses and pulled them off her face. He continued to clean them with the cloth he used for the windows.

"Good thing that happened, now I can finally clean these filthy glasses..." Levi mumbled, disgusted.

Hanji giggled while Levi continued to clean her glasses.

"What's so funny?" Levi asked, not amused.

"Oh, I just thought it was funny how you purposely sprayed that window cleaner on my glasses and played it off as an accident." She laughed.

Levi could feel unwanted heat rising into his cheeks. "I Did Not! You surprised me! I wasn't expecting you to actually speak, you dumb brat." He said aggravated.

"Come on, you should always expect me to talk." She joked.

"Whatever, here are your dumb glasses." He muttered. He slid them back onto her face while he stared into her chocolate colored eyes.

"Her eyes are so pre- wait, what? What am I thinking?" Levi thought while he put her glasses on her.

"Um, Levi? They're on now, you can move..." Hanji said awkwardly with a pink tint rising in her cheeks. Levi noticed he was still holding onto her glasses and quickly jerked his hands away.

"Oh, uh, sorry.." Was all he could say before leaving the room.

Hanji stood in the awkward feeling that was left in the room, before leaving moments after.

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