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I tied up my horse next to the entrance and stroked his mane.
"I'll feed you soon, don't worry."
I really did need to feed him, it had been a day.

I looked down the staircase and took in a big breath. I started to walk down slowly. The splintered boards under me creaked as I took each step. When I reached the door at the bottom, I stood for a moment to look at the details. The door was old, almost... Soggy. Mold grew on the walls and the door. No wonder why they picked that place, because no one would ever go in,
except me.
I grasped the crooked doorknob and hesitantly turned it. The door screeched as I opened it.

I peaked my head in to see the disaster before me.
The walls were tattered.
The ceiling was uneven.
The doorways had no doors to go with them.
((As seen in photo))
The only light that was provided was coming from behind me. I crept in and shut the door. The light was cut off and I squinted my eyes as I tried to see through the darkness. I decided to walk straight forward and go through the doorway in front of me. All that was in the room was torn up papers on the floor while newspapers hung on the walls. There was another doorway through that room, so I went straight again. This doorway led to a hallway.

Left or Right?

I first look in both directions to make sure no one was coming.


Coast was clear. I headed off toward the right. As I walked, my feet crunched crumbled pieces of paper.

Why is there so much paper?

At the end of the dark hallway, I saw a doorway with the smallest bit of light coming through it. As I approached it, I heard breathing coming from inside the room.

I stood against the wall outside the doorway to listen.
They were quick, short breaths. Each one quivered.

Somebody was crying.

It was a girl. The cries were too high to belong to a male. I slowly turned around and moved half my face to where I could see what was inside.

There was a rectangular, wooden table in the center of the room. It had one lit candle on it, which was creating the light I saw down the hall. Papers were scattered everywhere. On the floor, table and walls.
But there in the corner was where the cries were coming from.
It was something I never wanted to see again.

There was a girl in the back right corner of the dark, cold, tattered room. She seemed to be a teenager or maybe older. Her hands were above her head as a chain from the ceiling came down and cuffed them together. As they hung above her, her head was dropped low, showing off her tangled, dark brown hair. She sat on her knees. Her pants were torn and soaked in blood in many spots. Her shirt had a tear going diagonally down her torso, showing the deep, bloody gash that went with it. More wounds crept up her back. As she slouched, her shoulders went up and down due to her breathing. I could see blood was smeared on her face as well.

I need to help this girl... And I need to find Hanji...

I took a half step into the room. The girl look slightly up, but her head was still low. She acknowledged someone was in the room and lowered her head back down to its originally position.

"P-Please... D-Don't hurt me again..." She stuttered out in a whisper between terrified breaths.

"It's ok. Don't worry, I'll save you while I find my friend." I whispered back in response.

The girl lifted her face to reveal more abrasions, bruises, and tears that streamed down her cheeks. She looked at me with shocked yet terror in her eyes.

My eyes grew wide. I noticed the horrific truth. Her condition was so bad I couldn't even tell earlier.



Hey guys! DONT KILL ME!! I was actually going to make a longer chapter but I thought it was a good idea to leave it there 🌚 anyway, what do you think will happen next??

Thank you so much for reading! Until next time,
~Charlotte ps

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