Author's Note ((Important!))

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Hey! :D so I'm now going to be redoing my old chapters, but I'm not sure how many I'll fix. Probably chapters 1-10 or so.
SO, as I update them, you have your choice. You can either

Re-read them as I go along
Just ignore it

I won't be changing anything that goes with the main story line so it's not necessary to re-read, but I might add a few fluffy moments if I have a good opportunity. :) I already redid the first chapter and I did more changing than I thought I would, so idk, I would recommend it X3 but if you don't want to its TOTALLY fine ;)

and do you think I should start numbering the chapters? I will still give them a title, but I'll put a number. For example-

12- The Race

((That was a completely random name and number btw XD))

Anyway, pplleeeeeaaaaassee let me know because it helps A LOT :3

Bye! I love you!! <3

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