The Cafe

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Thanks so much for the support everyone on last chapter! I LOVE you all so much! And you guys were so kind about my drawing! So I decided to post another X3 (this one is a lot older tho, so it looks worse XD) anyway, enjoy the chapter! ^^


I decided to do my paperwork while I waited to go ou- I mean hangout with Hanji.
It felt like I did all the paperwork in the world. I finished the last page and placed it with the pile of fished papers. I let out an exhausted sigh. I looked up at the clock that ticked on my wall.

Ugh, this is taking forever..

I decided to take a nap.

It will make time fly and I'll be well rested..

I sat down and decided to sleep on the couch. I took the plaid blanket that laid on the backrest of the couch and threw it on top of me. After just a few minuets, I fell asleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I opened my eyes slowly, then shot up noticing the situation.

The clock read 6:43. I was late.
Someone was knocking on the door. It must have been Hanji.
Someone overslept. It was me.

"Who is it?" I said, trying to make it sound like I wasn't sleeping.

"It's me, Hanji. Did you forget about going into town?" Sure enough it was her. Her voice sounded hurt but was trying to still stay positive. I tried to quickly think of an excuse.

"I... I was doing paperwork and lost track of time. But I didn't forget. Give me a second and meet me outside." I responded while running into my bedroom that connected to my office.

"Ok!" I could hear her perk up from my bedroom.
She left.

I rummaged through my clothes and picked out a white, button down dress shirt and a pair of black dress pants. Then I froze when I realized what 2 pieces of clothing were being held in my hand.

We're just chilling, I don't need to dress up like an idiot.

I folded them back up and placed them nicely where they belonged. I thought for a moment, then decided what I should wear. I picked up some black jeans and an old, rusty-red t-shirt. I quickly undressed and put those on. I slipped on some sneakers and raced outside. Right next to the large door, leaning against the wall outside, was the tall brunette.
She wore a light blue shirt. It sort of looked similar to a polo shirt. She had some tan khakis on that had a small, messy bow of the bottom rim of each leg. She also wore sneakers. Her hair was in its signature ponytail.

"Hey shorty! You look nice." She exclaimed when I walked outside. "Should we get going?" She asked.

What does she mean by 'I look nice?'

"Yeah. Do you want to ride with me or on your own horse?" I asked.
To tell you the truth, I wanted her to ride with me.

"Well, um, because of my wrist, it will be kinda hard to to control a horse, so I'll ride with you, I guess!" She explained while showing her bandaged wrist. She still had 4 days left with it bandaged, then she could unwrap it.

I nodded and walked over to the stables while she followed behind. I hopped onto my black horse and held my hand down at her ((that's a first)).

"Oi! Aren't you gonna get on?" I asked a bit frustrated. She stood there staring into space. I shook my hand a little to catch her attention as it still remained in front of her face.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry, I guess I just zoned out.." She said with a slight laugh. She took ahold of my hand and jumped on. She wrapped her arms around my waist, no hesitation this time.

I wonder what she was thinking about..

As we left, I paused. "Where to?" I asked, as if bored.

"Well I heard there's this cafe near by, we should try it!" She suggested happily.

"Well, if that's what you want.." I mumbled as I started to control my horse again.
Hanji gave directions to the restaurant and I followed as she said.

"Ok, this is it!" She cheered as I stopped the horse in front of a small, pale-yellow building. The navy blue sign simply said 'Café'.

I tied the horse to a tree that stood outside.

"We could have just walked here, you know.. It wasn't that long of a ride." I mumbled to her as we made our way into the miniature building.

"Well, I just thought the horse would be fun.' She responded with a smile.

"Tch.." I rolled my eyes.

"Over there!" Hanji said joyously as she pointed to a table while bouncing on her toes. The table had booths that stood next to a wall. A bubbly, teenage girl headed over towards us.

"Hello! Welcome to the Cafe! Here are your menuuuuuuuuus," she said as she placed the menus on the table in front of us. "and I'll be back soon to take your orders!" She then skipped away.

I glared as I watched the girl bounce back to the kitchen. "What's up with that girl?" I asked, annoyed at her perkiness.

"Haha! You know, Levi, most people like happy people. She's just trying to get tips, probably." Hanji responded with a laugh.

"Whatever." I mumbled. I looked back down at my menu and looked through the options.

don't forget to
I love to see your opinions on my writing, and your votes/comments give me more encouragement to write more! So if you want me to update more let me know! XD see you next time!! ^3^

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