A New Mission?

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"Levi? Leeeeevi?" Hanji said while waving her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked without emotion, getting pulled back into reality.

"I've been saying your name for the past minute. You were just staring at me like a creep. You were totally zoned out." She said with a smile that showed she wanted to burst out laughing for absolutely no reason.

Dang it... That's awkward.

"Tch, whatever." I simply responded.

Hanji shrugged her shoulders continued to flip through the book with fascinated eyes as she pointed at faintly colored pictures and forced me to look at them and give my opinion. It usually was something like, "It's okay, I guess." or "I couldn't care less."
After time, I remembered why I was there and the question I needed to ask Hanji.

"Okay, Four-Eyes. Enough with the book." I grabbed the book from her hands and placed it on the table.

"Awwwww, why?" She said with a pout.

"Because I got a question to ask you." I replied. Hanji nodded, indicating she was listening and I should go on. "So I told Erwin all about the incident. He thinks that those guys who took you might have a lot of information on Titans and it might be worth going back to try to take as many as their research papers as possible to see what they know. Do you think it would be worth going back to help you with your research?"

Hanji held her chin and thought about it for a moment. After a few minutes she said, "They probably do know a lot... I guess it would be good to, but I don't want anyone getting hurt for just a little research."

"We go outside the walls and fight Titans. This isn't nearly as dangerous." I pointed out.

"Touché, Shorty, touché."

"Quit calling me that."


"Tch, then I guess I'll just leave then." I proceeded to get up and walk away.

"Fine! Be butt-hurt! Ain't my problem!" Hanji called out as I walked out the door. I just ignored her and continued my way.

I went to go tell Erwin what Hanji thought. I walked through the dusty hallways that definitely needed a good cleaning and approached Erwin's office door. I knocked with a firm fist twice and the old wooden door rattled a bit. I waited for a response and heard a low voice say "Just come in." I walked in and Erwin was sitting in his leather chair with his elbow on his desk and his forehead rested in his palm. He seemed frustrated.

"Nice paperwork." I stated sarcastically. Piles of paperwork coated his desk. "I'm gone for just a few minutes and you already smother yourself with work."

"Pretty much." He breathed out. "So did you speak with Hanji?"

"Yep. She thinks they have might have some useful information." I responded.

"Okay. I think we should go for it then. We'll have a meeting later and speak of when we'll do this. You're dismissed." Erwin said.

I simply nodded and exited. First thing I would do now was get some brats to clean these filthy hallways.

I'm gone for two days and it's already a mess...

I assumed they would just be in their rooms. They just stay in there and entertain themselves by doing idiotic things when they have nothing to do. So I thought I would give them something to do.

I first went to the boys bedrooms. I could hear them laughing and chatting on the other side of the door. I slammed my fist against the door multiple times in a row and everyone shut up.

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