one hell of a Cadet

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You are the new training captain ( or whatever the hell its called DONT PATRONIZE ME XD )

teaching new cadets new techniques and how to handle their maneuver  gear and such.
" Using the manuever gear can be quite tricky so remember balance is the key!" You shouted while the cadets observed the giant machinery that would decide where they go.

" I'm looking at you ciel! Balance is key!" You said again a smiling down at the young boy with an eye patch.

" What!? Of course I know balance is 'key' I can balance I'm not an idiot!" He yelled back at you.

Ciel looked down at his boots that were untied.
" Sebastian... My shoes." He commanded.
The butler... I mean soldier bowed to the young boy " yes my lord."

Before he can reach for his master's shoes you lifted your legs and kicked straight down at his head. Sebastian's face was plastered to the filthy ground and you crossed your arms.

" if your master can't even tie his own shoe laces what makes you think he can use the 3DMG." You scolded.

You removed your foot to have the handsome man look up at you and smile with blood running from his forehead.
" brutal and wise as ever captain. Your brute strength would do good in bed as well." He played.

Your face turned bright and you looked away your arms still crossed.
" _____! " you can hear Levi shout as he walked towards you.

You got into position and laid an arm on your chest saluting him.
" Corporal."
Sebastian got into position as well while ciel kneeled down trying to figure out the concept of tying shoes.
" bloody hell. Stupid attractive girl, stupid training, stupid sebastian not beating her, stupid sun, stupid shoes "

*Time skip * " I BID MY OWN SOUL " " Crowley, you don't have a soul"

You sat in the mess hall and ate with eren, mikasa, armin, Connie, Sasha, and jean. You joked and ate your lunch peacefully.
" So how do you like training those suckers ehhh ____?" Asked Connie raising his eyebrow I'm interest.

" Fine. There's these two cadets though... They have funny accents and well ones a young boy that can't even tie his shoes and the other is some older like almost around our age.... Closer to Levi and is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 300 Yys later cute. I mean I'm his captain so I would never do anything.... Well--" you stopped as your face turned red.

" oh. The naughty student and the teacher I see." Jean gave you a wink.
Your face turned ppl and drool dripped.

" no."
" of course it's a no brats. ____ knows its unprofessional and it might just cost her more than her position." Your skin crawled as you heard the dark tone of a short man.

You jumped up and stood like the karate kid which was called that weird kid from the block in these good ol days .
" Ohohoh.. Levi didn't... uh see... You... There." You muttered and stuttered.
" no one does! " Eren yelled.

Levi glared. " B-b-because they are over whelmed by his magestic hark eyes and... And nose... And a mout- I'll shut up now"

Levi grabbed your wrist tightly and pulled you closer to his face making you flustered as you felt your breast squeeze into his muscular chest.
" I hope you do not make that mistake _____." Levi warned in his own dwarf way.

You nodded rapidly breathing hard from your nostrils that were flaring.
Flaring nostrils ..... Sexy XDDDD

You started leaving to your dorm and outside the building you were slammed against the wall and felt a tall presence overcome you.
" ....sebastian? " You called out confused.
He gave you a smirk gently kissing your neck making chills run down you spine and back up.
" ...STOP THAT RIGHT NOW CADET " you commanded.
Of course even you knew there was a way out an exit from his grip you stood there enjoying it.
" I'm sorry captain.... But a man cannot resist." He whispered. Your face felt hot.
" what... Where's... Ciel?" You managed to say.
" oh my master?"

Meanwhile with ciel

" stupid food, stupid seats, stupid straps, stupid soldiers, stupid fork, stupid walls, stupid uniform, stupid moon, stupid cold, "

" he's alone thinking.. "
Sebastian slowly unstrapped your straps that lead on your breast.
" Stop. I mean it...STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" you pushed him back and punched his chin making sebastian walk back in bewilderment.
" we should use that brute force in the bedroom." He remarked smirkiong again his red eyes hungry for you not your soul don't worry ...your body
" and we shall! Not out here though!" You gave in and escorted the lover to your dorm.

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