Day 11: Love's Far Away-Until it's Not

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Prompt: Poetry, Art, Music, Craft

It was awkward in the small room.

Moriah shifted in her small chair as Joel fiddled with their writing utensils: paper, pens, and stationary equipment decorated with flowers.

"Um, so, let's start,"Joel said.

"'Kay,"Moriah said, angling her body towards him.

Whatever chemistry they'd had last night (which was mostly hate, anyway) had fizzled and died out. Now, in an attempt to realize their drunken promise made last night, they were in a tiny room.

Trying to write a song.

Benjamin Backus, Joel's bandmate, had been coerced into the plan. His job was simple: to not let the pair out until they had a rough draft of a song. Until then, he locked them into a small practice room in their studio and ate cream cheese and apple pie danishes.

"Um, so, theme?"Joel said, not quite meeting her eyes.

"Love?"Moriah suggested. "I mean, Luke and Courtney's wedding was yesterday. And how we met."

"Yeah, let's do love."

He pulled a small white board out of the drawer of the desk he sat at and scrawled love in the middle in bright red Expo.

"So, now what?"he asked, feeling a bit helpless.

"I don't know,"Moriah responded.

"How about, um, the journey of a relationship?"

"What does that mean?"

"People getting closer and then they're in love."

He looked at her. She looked at him.


Love's far away, but we're getting closer

"Something about how it's weird. Cliche, but."Moriah crossed her ankles as she spoke.

Love's kind of crazy, it's strange.

"And then, all of a sudden,"Joel murmured.

"Suddenly it finds you."

It got easier as they wrote. An hour later, they knocked on the door and asked Ben for snacks. Munching on chips and mini tacos, they finished up the song, actually collaborating and becoming friends. Maybe even more.

"Ben!"Joel yelled, thirty minutes later,"we need punch!"

Ben poked his head in, bringing in the red juice.

"When is it champagne time?"he asked.


Now we've gotten older and who could've know that

We were right there waiting.

"Ahhh!"Mo screamed.

Joel laughed. "That's how it be sometimes."

Love's far away, far away

But we're moving closer

Love's kinda crazy it's strange

Suddenly it finds you, oh, oh

I'll wait for you, love.

"No, I'm not putting that in the song,"Mo said, tossing a crumpled up ball of paper.

"You remind me of a cataract. Darling, don't give me a heart attack,"Joel sang.


It was scrapped.

Wait for me, wait for me

Wait for me, love

Wait for me, love.

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