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(On that day when Hobi came to past)

Jimin pov:

I was raiding in my horse to admire the beauty of our kingdom. I love my kingdom, my peoples, most important  is my Yoongi hyung. I love him so much. If he ask I can die from him. When I was too young my parents are die in war. On that age I don't they are die I thought they just sleep when I wake them up they can be awake but no they die. On that time my hyung is my mother, father and my Everything.
I will give whatever he wants. I was in my thoughts until I hear a giggling sound I look around a smirk climb on my face as many omegas and betas are looking at me cause I'm handsome I wink at them and go to near the market as I was about to go in but stopped by a shining thing layed on the floor. I bend down and pick it up and it was a beautiful Chain. It's shin like a sun. I really like it and wear it. It's look good at me. I enter the market with that chain.

No one pov: (Present)

Yn:"Hobi, baby are you okay? I'm sorry baby for leave you alone. I'm stupid I believe Tae take care of you but the buffalo is dumb just leave you alone in new place." She said with tears running down her cheeks. Hobi wipe the tears and kiss her cheek softly and said.

Hobi:"No noona Tae hyung take a good care of me. He protect me from that beast who try to rape me so don't worry here after he didn't come to my way." He said and hug her tightly as much as he can.

Tae:"I'm so-sorry n-noonan it's m-my fault." He said about to cry but before he could Hobi, Yn, Jungkook hugged him he also hug back them.

Hobi:"It's ok hyung don't worry."

Yn:"Sorry Tae. I'm so angry when you told me that Jimin try to rape my Hobi. I feel like I'm going to die. So sorry baby." She said kiss both Hobi and Tae.

JK:"Noona me~~." He whined. Yn just giggled at his cuteness.

Yn:"Here come my big baby." She said was about to kiss but stopped by Tae who put his hand on Yn lips.

Tae:"No, thanks noona. Jungkook now let's go back to palace."

JK:"But my kiss~~." He whines like a baby.

Tae:"Ya, come let's go. Don't be childish." He said and dragged him out of the house.

Yn:"Baby let's sleep now it's already late." She said Hobi just nod his head as yes. They went to bedroom and lay on bed. After few minutes ago Yn sleep peacefully but Hobi just thought about that chain which he saw in Jimin neck. 'So he is the one who take my chain. I want to take away my chain from him and go back to my brother. I really miss him so much.' He though and close his eyes and slept after a moment.

Next day morning, Yn try to convince him to not come with her to the palace but Hobi didn't hear her and come with her to the palace.

Yn:"Be careful baby I will come back as soon as possible ok." She said and kiss his cheek and leave the place.

Hobi just see the palace and go to garden. Some maids childrens are playing kite together. Hobi go to them and ask if he play with them. The childrens all nod their heads and they all play together.

Jimin pov:

I wake up in the morning and growled  in head pain and I realize what I did yesterday I fell guilty for what I did to him. After a deep thought I got out of the bed and did my morning routine and wore my Hanbok.

 After a deep thought I got out of the bed and did my morning routine and wore my Hanbok

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I got ready and get out of my room and walked in hallway near the garden. But my eyes catch by a beautiful boy who plays with childrens like he is also a baby. I admire his beauty but suddenly I realize that the boy who I tried to rape was none other than this boy. I feel so bad for him. I go to ask sorry for him to what I did earlier. He back face me so I just......back hug him.

Hobi pov:

I was playing with them. But suddenly I felt someone back hug me and rest their chin on my shoulder. But this smell is not noona, or Jk or Tae hyung it's smells so different and unique I already smell this scent but I don't know where.

???:"I'm sorry for what I did yesterday." The other side. Ya, is he... I push him away from me and meet his handsome face with anger eyes.

JM:"Ya, I just say sorry to you but you push me away." He said with a cute little pout on his face.

Hobi:"For what."(Cold face).

JM:"For.....what I did yesterday I was in my rut so that's why." He said and look down at his feet.

Hobi:"I thought after my hyung warn you, you didn't come to my way but you have a guts to talk to me. Hmm.......interesting."

JM:"Why I have to afride of your hyung. I'm an alpha and prince in this palace."(proud smile).

Hobi:"Oh, Tae hyung are you here...."

JM:"Where? Where is Taehyung?" He turn to see his behind. I just giggled cause I just teased him.

JM:"Ya, don't tease me."(pout).

Hobi:"Ok don't do that face cause it's not sute for you."

JM:"So now......let's be a good friends."


Happy birthday my lovely Jimin

Happy birthday my lovely Jimin

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