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~~~6 years ago~~~


19 years Hobi work in his lab. He try so hard to get good result but...

Hobi:"Again... I think I want to ask our professor and change this project." He said to his friend.

Jin:"You can do it Hobi but I don't know why professor want you to make Time machine. It is against to nature." He try to cheer his friend but his friend stop working and place his head on other's shoulder. Jin play with other hair that makes Hobi to fall asleep. Hobi's brother came to them and see his baby brother sleep peacefully.

RM:"When did he fall asleep?" He ask and carry his baby brother to his room. Place him on bed and cover him with bed sheet.

Jin:"Just now hyung." He said with shy smile because he loves Namjoon since when he met him.

RM :"Oh, ok. It already late so I can drive for you, come let's go." He said and get his car key and went down stairs.

Jin:"Ok hyung." He said in low shy town. Before he could go down Hobi grabbed his hand. Jin turn with a smile and kiss the other cheek softly and said so sweet words and leave with his hyung.

After a small nap Hobi got up from bed and cutely blink his eyes few times and rub it.He pout cutely because he did not see anyone else in his room. So he call his brother but he did not attend the call so he text him.

Phone text:

To Brother:💗

Joonie where were you? I miss you so much☹️

From Brother:💗

Baby, I will come late tonight so eat your dinner and sleep well. When you open your eyes I will lay next to you. now bye 👋 👋
❤❤I love you ❤❤

To Brother:💗

Ok💜 I love you too.......

He off his phone. He went to his lab and start to work on his project. After 3 hours of hard work he did it.

Hobi:"Finally.... Now just check it and if it works I tell to my brother but not means again I want to work on it." He said and sit on the machine. He took a deep breath and start it.


Hobi pov:

I start to cry because my knees hurt. I see my knees it's bleeding.'Wait where I'm now? it's not my place it's look like a kingdom so I come to past but I want to go future right? It's ok so my work is succeed but my knees are hurt' I thought to myself until someone call me by some sweet names.

???:"My cute little baby why are you crying?" I look up and saw one of the most sweet Alpha girl stand next to me. She came near to me and knees in front of me and wipe my tears and kiss my baby like cheeks.

???:"What happen to my sweetheart?"
She ask again and I show my knees to her.

Hobi:"I-Its hurt a-and I'm h-hungry ." I said and start to cry again. She wipe my tears and says some sweet things to me to calm me down.

???:"Ok come to my house I will treat you and give you some food." She said and carry me to her house. Really she is so stronger then me. She make me sit down and clean my wounds.

???:"So, now tell me what is your name?, where did you live? I think your not our kingdom? And why did you dress up so weird?"She build up so many questions at the same time. Finally she allow me speak.

Hobi:"I'm Kim Hoseok but you can call me Hobi, I'm not live in kingdom, I live in Seoul, I came from future so I dress up like this." I said I know she can't believe me so I take my neck chain that hide my time machine chip. Wait where it was. I searched for it but I can't find it. I think I leave that chain in that place where I got wounds. So I was about to go but stopped by her.

???:"Where are you going? I think you have some mental illness."

Hobi:"No, Mam I don't have nothing. I want to go now please let me go." She sigh and look at me with worried eyes and said.

???:"Atleast eat some food and go." She said. I nod my head. She start to cook for me.

Hobi:"Noona it's smells so good. I want it." I said make her smile and kiss my lips. I was shocked by her action.

???:"Sorry Hoseok, I can't control myself from kissing you, so sorry."

Hobi:"It's ok noona, By the way what is your name Noona."

???:"Huh? I'm Kim Yn."

Hobi:"Nice name Noona."

Yn:"Hoseok are you an omega right? Don't call me like Noona . I'm a hot Alpha so how we make love with each other." I shake my head. She laugh at me and kiss my lips again and again.

After few moments later Yn finish cooking and feed him and wipe his lips and give me his brother's Hanbok.

Hobi:"So, Now I want to go Noona." I said and start to walk but stopped by my Noona again.

Yn:"Hobi....That was....I also come with you."

Hobi:"Ok Noona." We go there place but we can't find my chain. I sat on that rock and start to think about where I left my chain. My Noona also sit next to me.

Yn:"Why you feel so upset baby?" She ask and pull me by my waist and kiss my cheeks.

Hobi:"Noona if I can't find my chain,I can't go back to my house."I said with a pout.Her smile get bigger than before and kiss my pout.

Yn:"So you can't go to your house now right?." I nodded my head.

Yn:"Then stay with me until you get your chain." I think for a while and said yes to her. She felt very happy. She pick me up and spin me around.

Yn:"Now come to my house. we can have some fun tonight.(smirk)


Thank you.......💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Have a nice day or night bye 👋 👋

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