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No one pov:

JM:"Hyung this fuckers did not work properly." He said and point some omegas and betas who stand near the door of his room while look at the floor.

YG:"*sigh* What's problem now Minnie they are good workers right?" He asked and again sigh while look at Jimin.

JM:"They didn't satisfy me." He said Yoongi know that what is the other mean by that word satisfy.

YG:"Ok I will arrange someone to do this job." He said and left the place and go to the his room.

Yoongi pov:

I was in my room and think about my brother I think I gave him a lot of freedom that's why he is like this he slept with many omegas and betas I don't like it but.....I don't know what to do too.

I was in my deep thoughts but snapped by a sudden knock on my room door. I took a deep breath and said the person who knock the door to come in. Yn is the one who knock the door I sat straight on my bed and clear my throat before speak to her.

YG:"What do you want noona?" I ask in calm tone but she let out a deep sigh and said.

Yn:"My king that you know Hobi right?" I thought and nod my head.

Yn:"He said he want to work here with me so can you please give any job to him please my king." She said as again I thought for a while. What did I give to him. Maid for my brother - No no that was a bad idea.

???:"Hyung I want him as my maid." We both turned to a voice and it is non other than my brother Jimin. There he just smirk like a idiot.

Jimin pov :

I walked in a hallway towards my hyung's room but before I go inside I heard Yn noona's voice she talking with my hyung about that brat omega he wants to work in palace. I go inside his room and see my hyung though about something and I know that it's about me.

JM:"Hyung I want him as my maid." I said with a crazy smirk. Yn noona was about to say something but I cut her off and said.

JM:"Then there is no job. Is the only job here." I said. She sigh and nod her head as my smirk get wide because she agreed to sell the omega to me. I bow to her and leave that place. I want to plan something to make that omega's life as hell.

Yn pov:

After hear that from Jimin I was about to say no but he cut me off and said it is the only job so I nodded my head and left the place to said this to my Hoseok.

In evening, I finish my work and go back to my house I really want to said this to Hoseok. After reach the house I go inside and search for him but didn't find I search the house like a mad girl but didn't find him so I step out of the house and start to scream his name. I go to back yard and my eyes wide when I see the scene in front me that Hojin force Hobi to rape him I go between them and slap that Hojin he look at me with wide eyes and before I caught him he ran away from there. When I turn towards Hobi he was cry mess I pick him up and go inside my house. He is sobbing hard so I ask him when he finish crying.

In the morning Hobi pov:

When I open my eyes I didn't see noona so I lazily wake up and did my morning routine and go to kitchen to make something for me after finish my breakfast I get ready for go to market. I go to market and buy something for house and food all peoples are greet me with a sweet smile on their faces I really love this peoples. After finish shopping I go back to our house. I go inside the kitchen and set everything and start to cook something for me. After finish eating my lunch I go to bed and again I fall asleep. But soon I hear some rain drops I hurriedly go to back yard to pick up the washed clothes but there is no rain I rise my one eyebrow and look around to find that Hojin who smirk at me I look at him like a garbage his smirk is disgusting and I was about to go but he grabbed my hand and said.

Hojin:"Where are you going my omega?" He ask with a smirk just fuck his smirk. I struggle to get out of his grip but failed he pull me closer to him and try to kiss me forcefully. I tried to push him but failed I start to scream and cry for help but suddenly I was separated from him and that Hojin get slap from my noona but before my noona caught him he ran away. I sobbed hard so my noona pick me up and go inside the house.

In night, it's almost night I was calm down because my noona release her sent for me that makes me feel better. Noona ask why that bitch came here I tell her what happened her eyes turn red because of angry I start to panic so I kiss her on lips as she kiss me back. After few minutes of kissing we broke the kiss and hug each other.

Yn:"Hobi I want to tell you something." she said as I tilt my head and nod.

Yn:"That...is....you get a in palace but..."

Hobi:"But what noona?" I ask. She sigh and said.

Yn:"But that job is...you want to work as a maid....." She said as I smile at her and said.

Hobi:"It's ok noona there is no problem for me." I said but she snake her head the next thing what she said is make my eyes wide in shock.

Yn:"You want to work as a maid under Jimin." So that bitch want me as his maid I thought for a while but a smirk came on my face I look towards noona who look at me full of confusion.

Hobi:"Noona I'm ok with the job tomorrow I will come with you to work." I said as she sigh and nod her head and go to kitchen to cook something for dinner.

Hobi:"So the game begins."


So hope you all like this part sorry for the delay I really busy now a days because of studies and my part time work so that's why.

Miss me???

Many readers said me to start The Mafia princess?? I will upload it but not now after finish any one of my book.

Love you all byeeeee

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