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Yn:"Be ready for the night baby boy. After that you can't walk properly."


Hobi pov:

She said and left me all alone. Her husky alpha voice make me shiver and I blush harder. After a while  someone tap my shoulder I turn and see an OMEGA!!. He look cute and handsome. I really proud that in this place I only saw alpha girls and boys as a knight but now I see one omega knight. In my school history books only alpha is King or Queen or Knight. Omegas are cook or maid. But it's all fake I really proud to be an omega. I stare at him like there is no tomorrow. He snap his finger infront of me that make me came back to reality. I smile at him but he rise his one eyebrow at me and he ask.

???:"Who are you?" He ask I pout at him.

Hobi:"ya~ That sounds rude." I said with doe eyes but he stare at me with blank face. Ok mission failed.

Hobi:"Ok I'm Hoseok Kim Hoseok but you can call me Hobi." I said and smile at him but again he rise his one eyebrow.

???:"Kim Hoseok you came from Kim Kingdom but I don't see you there. Who is come with you?" He ask I thought he was sweet but no I was wrong he is rude.

Hobi:"With my noona." I said simply because I don't want to talk to him that much.

???:"Are you dumb or something she don't have a name." I'm done with him just heartless person I don't like him.

???:"Tae~~~." We turn to see the owner of the voice and it was noona. I think he is Tae because when my noona call him he just roll his eyes  'Fucking rude' I thought.

Yn:"My taetae baby how are you? Long time no see. Miss me?" She ask that boy and hug him he also smile and hug her back.

Tae:"I'm fine noona, but please don't call me like that." He said with pouty face. 'Cute but little rude' I thought in my head.

Yn:"Tae he is Hoseok my new friend I found him in near by market he is lost so I take care of him. Hobi he is my little brat my brother he is Taehyung but you can call him Tae or brat." I laugh at him. He pinch my noona's cheek she shout in pain. After that we talk for sometimes now he talk with me sweetly. He is such a good person. Noona said she have an important work so she left me and Tae alone.

We both walk in the garden talk about something. But soon we turn around to see a person who call Tae hyung. I see a bunny- I mean one person run towards to us with bunny smile.Cute.

Tae:"Jungkook!!What? Don't scare us."
He said while place his hand over his chest.

JK:"Sowwy." He said in baby voice.

Tae:"Ok, Ok. Jungkook he is Hoseok my little brother, omega. And Hobi he is Jungk- ." Before my hyung could finish that bunny - again that man start to speak.

JK:"Hi! Baby I'm Jeon Jungkook, alpha knight." He said in his alpha voice.

Hobi:"Oh! I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi." I said and smile at him. My best sunshine smile. That's it he start to smile at me chessly and start to flirt with me. But this all time I notice Tae hyung. He just roll his eyes and bite his lower lip in angrily. I think he love this bunny - no not bunny Jk hyung . ok I'm gave up.

JK:"Tae I forgot to tell you something."

Tae:"What?" He was annoyed by our action. But the next moment he is in hurry. I don't know what Jk hyung said in his ear but after that he was in hurry.

Tae:"Hobi stay here or look around the place you are new here so have some fun with others." He said I just hummed in response.

JK:"What about I stay with him here and explain about our kingdom?." He ask as I nod my head but.

Tae:"No thanks. Just come with me I want your help so come." He said and dragged him somewhere. I just laugh at their cuteness. And start to explore the place.


Yoongi pov:(in morning)

I just do my work but suddenly our hall door open. I saw Yn noona came inside. But soon I saw sun infront of me. I can't help but stare at him. His doe eyes, sharp nose, puffy hair and cheeks, pinkies heart shape lips and that lips always have a cute sunshine smile. Yn noona start to speak then.

Yn:"My king he is my relative and he is an omega I really afraid that anything bad happen to him so can he stay here until my work finish please." She ask me who said no to her because she is so beautiful alpha I never see. Alpha did not price any other alpha but her all alphas and omega price her.

YG:"Yes you can Yn." I said calmly. Noona nod and walk out of the room. I see them until they fade away from my site. 'Ahh I forgot to ask his name' I thought and again start to do my work again.


Hobi pov:

I walk each and everywhere. This place was very beautiful and quiet good. I was in my peace until I passed one room. I hear someone or something breath heavily 'OMG there is wild animals and monster in this place' I thought and slowly open the room door and peek my head inside the room and then two big hands wrapped around my waist and mouth I screame for help but no use.

???:"What are you doing baby boy you come to pleasure me right? Then why are you crying and screaming for help."  He said in his deep alpha voice that time I realize I was crying for my life. I think he is in his heat but I don't want to do it now. Yes I had sex with so many people but I don't like when they force me to do it. But now, I try to push him away but his alpha voice make me weak. I just close my eyes as tears roll down my cheeks.'I think he is going to rape me.'


Thank you for vote me.......💜💜💜💜

Sorry for the delay....... 💜💜💜💜💜

I don't know what to write so please forgive me....... 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

If I make any mistakes please forgive me because I have poor English skill.

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