❤Part 12❤

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Hobi pov:

JM and Hobi:"I love you..."

After heard that my body was frozen and what the hell I said to him. I look at him with wide eyes as he look down shyly, to be honest he look so cute....hella nooo what I'm thinking about? Is I'm really in love with him...or my wolf... I'm fucking confused. I snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke.

JM:"Is..it really?" He ask with a hopeful eyes. I don't know what to say but I don't want to break him so I nod my head which makes him happy and hug me tightly. Now I'm dout that he is alpha or something.

Hobi:"Ji..Jimin please let me breathe." He loose his grip around me and smile nervously while rub his nap.

JM:"Ok, be ready I will give you a tour around the palace." He excitingly go to his closet to change the dress. I also wear my dress and he head to look around the palace.

No one pov:

Both Jimin and Hoseok have a lot of fun. Play with small kids, eating delicious food, and purchase many things. Hobi is too comfortable with Jimin. Some times small kisses and hugs. They end their date and walk back to Yn's home to leave Hoseok there cause it is already night. When both of them came in front of the door Jimin hesitate but ask.

JM:"Hobi...can I..."

Hobi:"Can you?"

JM:"Can I kiss you?" He finally ask as Hobi blush. Hoseok tiptoe to kiss the other lips cause Jimin is taller than him.

After that both of them wave goodbye to each other and Hobi go inside the house while Jimin walk to his palace.

Next day, When Yn wake up she look at Hobi in surprise cause he never up this early in the morning. Hobi on other hand cook food for the and said.

Hobi:"Noona go get ready and come fast or else the food will be cold." He said while place the food on table. Yn come to him and side hug him and ask.

Yn:"Is something wrong happened to you? Why you act weird today?" Hobi look at him confused about her questions.

Hobi:"What happened to me? I'm fine noona."

Yn:"No, you are not okay...you always woke late in the morning and don't even cook for me but today..." She cocked his eyebrows while ask as Hobi blush and said what happened yesterday. Yn is so happy for him and they both get ready to go to the palace.

Time skip:(No one pov in palace)

Jk was sitting alone in the garden far away from Taehyung who give practice for some omegas, with a sad eyes he look at him. He didn't notice Hoseok presence. Hoseok sit beside him and asked.

Hobi:"Kookie hyung what happened?" He asked worriedly as Jungkook chuckles at him and said.

JK:"Hobi...me and Tae are friends since childhood but when we came to know that we are mates..first we feel so uncomfortable but I accept the fate and I start to love him but..he still saying that we are friends..I don't want that but..." He sobbed on Hoseok embrace. Hobi feel bad for him so he came up with a plan after Jungkook finish crying he said that plan both of them agree with it.

Tae pov:

After finished practice, I walk in a hallway. I was a to go to my room but stopped by a giggle it's coming from Jk room and it is non other than Hobi I smile I was about to open the door but stop what they are talking make my heart broken.

Hobi:"*Giggles* Kookie~ don't you are mated with Taehyung?"

JK:"Yes...but he said we are friends~ sooo I don't have anyone.. We can do whatever we want.." With that I burst into the room with anger eyes. I look at Hobi who is sitting in my alpha's lap. I groaned and said.

Tae:"What the heck are you doing?" I ask as Jk rise his one eyebrow while put Hobi down on bed. He stand and walk towards me and ask.

JK:"Don't you know manner? We are lovers we do whatever we want how you to me to ask.." I can't take it a I pulled Jungkook but his collar and kiss him. He is in pure shock but before he could respond to my kiss a punch land on his face. I turned to look at the person and it is Jimin who is glare at Jk. When he look at Hobi he look down. Jimin walk to Hobi and pull him by his hair and said.

JM:"You slut..don't you get enough of my dick.. You still need other alpha." He throw the poor omega on the floor.  Jk stand while grab his jaw but when the pain left a little he push Jimin to the wall and continuely punch him. Both the alpha are fighting as omegas beg the alpha.

Hobi:"STOP!!" Everything went silent as Jimin look at him with angry eyes. With a teary eyes Hobi run out of the place. Jk was about to go after him but stopped by Jimin who grab him.

JM:"He is my mate don't fuc-" He was cutted by Jk who told what happened earlier and it is just a plan to make Tae fell in love with Jk. When Jimin heard this he ran out of the room. He can sense his omega. It lead him to his own room. When he open the door there Hobi hug his knees while crying. Jimin slowly walked to and call him out. Hobi rise his head while tears fell from his eyes. Jimin hug him and said.

JM:"I'm sorry baby..I'm act like a idiot.. I'm sorry." He apologize as Hobi shook his head and said.

Hobi:"I'm..so..sorry but don't ca..call me slut." He cried as Jimin whispers some good things into his ear. After some time later, Now Jimin was laying on bed with Hobi on his chest.

Hobi:"Jimin this chain is mine..." He said while look at the chain. Jimin look down at him with a smile and said.

JM:"Baby can I keep this with me.." He ask with a puppy eyes as Hobi just nod not say anything cause if he say that he comes from future the other thought him as stupid or something.

JM:"Baby let's go to my favorite mountain. You definitely love that. When I was kid after my mom's death my hyung always take me there to feed me." Both are talk about their lives and giggles filled the room but what they don't know was someone is watching them and fate decided something for them.


Hi babies! One part is left in this book it's going to end soon.

I thought to make Jihope ff nicely but I know it's so boring.

So I ending this so bye sugar bears I love you all.......

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