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Li Qingzhou almost failed to leave the experimental building.

Shocked, unbelievable, enthusiastic, rushing for advice because of strong confusion almost rushed to drown him...

Fortunately, Professor Yan is very reliable at the critical moment.

What's more, everything today is not over, but just the beginning. The automotive artificial intelligence control system needs to be further developed.

Before walking out of the experimental building, Zheng Yu caught up and called Li Qingzhou.

His face was mixed with embarrassment, shame and other complex expressions.

So much so that he stood in front of Li Qingzhou with a red face and a loss, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

After Li Qingzhou asked him what had happened, Zheng Yu finally said, "I'm sorry... I was too prejudiced against you before."

"I thought..."

Zheng Yu paused and said, "In the early days when the teacher set up the laboratory, you left without hesitation and easily gave up the continued research on automotive AI..."

"I thought you were indifferent to your teacher who taught you, and you could throw away your attitude towards science casually..."

"Now it seems that I take it for granted."

"Your research on artificial intelligence is much better than we do."

While he was ashamed of his inferiority, he also felt ashamed.

Zheng Yu apologized again: "I'm sorry..."

Li Qingzhou said, "It doesn't matter. I don't care."

"However, I accepted your apology. Is there anything else?"

Zheng Yu said quickly, "No, no more..."

Li Qingzhou said to him with a faint look that he would say goodbye next time, and then he was pushed away from the experimental building by Fang Xiyan.

After getting out of the scope of the computer college, Qiao Huanming said goodbye to Li Qingzhou.

His previous excitement was uncontrollable, but now he still looked at Li Qingzhou with a disobedienced expression.

Qiao Huanming sighed, "Mr. Li, I can't believe that I saw another leap in the field of automotive artificial intelligence in Yanda."

"It's like a dream."

He then smiled and said, "I'm going back and talk to the teacher about it as soon as possible."

Li Qingzhou said, "If Mr. Qiao has time, can you introduce your teacher to me?"

"The decision I plan to set up a company and a scientific research team is not a joke."

"You also saw it during the test of automotive AI - although on the whole, there is no doubt about the intelligence of the automotive control system I developed."

"But there are still shortcomings on some minor problems..."

"I hope that more people can participate in the research on automotive AI, and in the future, they can surpass M country and develop and produce China's first artificial intelligence car."

"Mr. Joe, what do you think?"

Naturally, Qiao Huanming thinks it is very feasible!

Besides, it is so exciting to be personally involved in the research and development of the first AI car in the future.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now