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After celebrating Ge Yue, the competition in the martial arts division began - all the contestants scuffled.

A very large platform was built in the center of the stadium, surrounded by protective fences.

- To prevent robot parts from being knocked off during the game and falling into the auditorium to hurt people.

There are a total of eight players in the final competition of the martial arts division, that is, eight teams.

Among them, Albert's team and his robot Ellie are the most eye-catching, and the online support rate is also very high.

And the strange team, following Rescue No. 1 and Service No. 1, many people are also looking forward to the performance of Wudou No. 1.

Although Wudou-1 has played in the previous game, it does not show anything special.

For example, will the intelligence of Rescue One and Service One also be reflected in Wudou-1?

[I think Wudou No. 1 must also hide its strength. It was made by a father. It doesn't make sense that the two sons are smart and the other is stupid.]

[Poof, why are you so talented upstairs, but it's right, haha, better than thumbs.jpg.]

[I don't know which one will win, Wudou-1 or Alibi. I have to say that Albert is really awesome. In terms of age alone, making a martial arts robot is enough to show his excellence.]

Since it is a martial arts robot melee competition, after the start, the host briefly introduced each team and the robot.

Even if the game began, the robot entered.

The appearance of the eight robots on standby on the field can't help but be eye-catching, looking forward to the next game.

Especially Ellie and Wudou One.

Albert's Ally robots are mainly red and black tones, and the height of the other is about 1.68 meters. The mechanical sense of the whole body is stronger than that of other robots.

Ellie's territory is made into a small tank, which is very stable and not easy to be put down by other robots.

The two robotic arms, one is the claw style of grabbing, and the other is a heavy hammer.

There are limited standards for the production of robots in the martial arts division, and super-specification weapons shall not be made.

For example, spray, fire, filling, bullet, gun, etc.

After all, Country M's restrictions in this regard are very relaxed.

In order to show the fairness and safety of the game, martial arts robots usually fight cold weapons.

Previously, there were also players installing weapons such as knives and swords for robots.

Such weapons must be strictly inspected before entering the field, and are not allowed to be installed until the game.

Although it is allowed to be used, the body of the robot is made of hard materials, and chopping and thorns have little harm to the robot.

On the contrary, Ellie's heavy hammer is very effective.

After the game began, some players casually let the robot attack Ellie.

Others chose to fight against Wudou No. 1.

These players obviously unanimously decided to eliminate the most powerful robots first, and then they will win or lose.

Needless to discuss, the tactics are naturally settled.

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