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Xu Mengning has just been stimulated and needs comfort.

Li Qingzhou appeared to save her at the right time, and the two had a relationship with each other since childhood, which made her extremely trustworthy.

Not to mention that Li Qingzhou used to...

Therefore, Xu Mengning now only wants to leave with the person she wants to rely on and give her a sense of security for the time being.

Li Qingzhou had no choice but to maintain his usual expression. With Liu Xiahui's not very friendly eyes, he took Xu Meng to the car and took her home.

When he left, Li Qingzhou nodded politely to Liu Bohuai, but no one eye was given to Liu Xiahui.

"Let's go."

Seeing that Liu Xiahui was still staring at the far away and disappearing direction of the car, Liu Bohuai faded out his voice and turned to the car first - he closed his eyes in the car to refresh himself and slowly turned the Buddha beads in his hand.

After a while, Liu Xiahui came up.

The pressure of both of them seemed very low, and the driver did not dare to speak. It was not until Liu Bohuai said "drive" that the car started and drove away from the entrance of the alley.


Xu Mengning was obviously frightened by this incident. He didn't go to school the next day and asked for leave to rest at his residence.

She rarely asked for weakness - hoping that Li Qingzhou could accompany her.

Li Qingzhou: ... I can't, I can't. I have something to do!

He couldn't help showing his face and saying no.

The reason is that the company needs him to deal with too many things... Besides, there has been a little problem with the construction of the automobile city recently.

Xu Mengning smiled reluctantly. She said, "Sorry, Canoe, I don't know... It's okay for me. If you have something to do, go ahead."

"I'm really fine. I'll be fine soon."

Li Qingzhou: "I'll ask Zhao Jingjing to come with you."

Xu Mengning nodded.

Therefore, Li Qingzhou asked her to have a good rest and left.

He also has to think of a way.

- You can't always let Cui Mu find him or the heroine so recklessly... Otherwise, in the end, it will be his trouble...

Li Qingzhou called Liu Bohuai.

"Mr. Liu, is there anyone around you who is good-shouny, has a strict mouth, does not ask too much questions and curiosity about anything, let alone reveal a trace of information?"

Liu Bohuai received the phone call and raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes."

"So, can Mr. Liu lend it to me two for the time being?"


Liu Bohuai said, "But can I ask... What does Mr. Li want to do?"

"Of course, do you mind doing something that is invisible but not against the law?"

"No, Mr. Li should pay attention to safety. People will go to Li's head office in person later."

"Okay, thank you first, Mr. Liu." Li Qingzhou hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Liu Bohuai, a friend, is so considerate!

Before long, people arrived on the first floor of the company.

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now