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The next morning, the sun shone into the house.

Li Qingzhou slowly opened his eyes, gradually cleared, focused his eyes, and looked around with some doubt.

Here... It doesn't seem to be his room, it seems to be a hotel?

Looking around the house, Li Qingzhou turned his head and saw the man sleeping beside him, Liu Bohuai.

The third master?

Li Qingzhou couldn't help but look surprised. He opened his eyes wide and was stunned.

How did they sleep together?

He looked at Liu Bohuai and didn't respond for a moment.

Subsequently, Li Qingzhou blushed.

Because his legs can't move, he always sleeps properly. Of course, this time, he is no exception. He lies flat and wakes up naturally.

But Liu Bohuai turned to him sideways, covered with the quilt to his waist, and the good figure of the upper part was a panoramic view.

It's really shy and embarrassing to see it from a close range.

By the way, last night...

Li Qingzhou turned his head back and couldn't help recalling what happened after the banquet last night.

After drinking too much, he was pushed upstairs by Liu Bohuai to rest. He was taken to bed and then undressed...

Take off your clothes?!

Li Qingzhou immediately whispered open the quilt and looked at it.

Fortunately, it's not all stripping.

He wears a hotel-configured nightgown, which is neat and comfortable, which shows how he has been taken care of after getting drunk.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Liu Bohuai again, but unexpectedly, he looked at a pair of sober eyes.

"...Third master, you're awake."

"Well, good morning." Liu Bohuai said hoarsely.

"Good morning." Li Qingzhou returned calmly on the surface.

[Well, the voice is so sexy, and so is people... I'm a little shy when he sees it.]

The little man in the bubble looked like he had just woken up. His hair was messy and his face was ruddy. He was sitting in the quilt in his pajamas, with a shy expression hanging his head and poking his fingers.

Now that people have woken up, lying on another bed will feel a little uncomfortable.

Li Qingzhou held his arm and wanted to sit up.

At this time, Liu Bohuai got up first and held him. His powerful arms wrapped around his waist. He easily picked him up and sat at the head of the bed.

After the body with heat left for a while, Li Qingzhou's slowly slowed breathing couldn't help but become normal.

He whispered, "Thank you, third master. Sorry to bother you."

"Don't be so out of the outside."

"It should be said that I also thanked the third master for your care last night."

Li Qingzhou suddenly remembered something. He turned left and right to look for his mobile phone and said, "By the way, I didn't go back yesterday. At home..."

"Don't worry, last night I asked Fang Xiyan to inform your sister and brother that they both know that you are resting at the Jinxuange Hotel, and your mobile phone is here."

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now