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Yanda Library.

Liu Xiahui, Qu Yunfan and Qi Hao are preparing for matters related to their graduation thesis. Their seat is clean and undisturbed.

But Liu Xiahui was obviously irritable. After a while, he threw the pen on the table and frowned against the chair.

Qi Hao and Qu Yunfan couldn't help looking at each other, and their eyes signaled - what's wrong with him? Ask.

Qu Yunfan: You ask.

Qi Hao: I dare not. Ask, hurry up.

Qu Yunfan said helplessly, "Xia Hui, haven't you asked Xu Mengning to go out to watch a movie recently? How's it going?"

I don't have an appointment, do I...

Sure enough, Liu Xiahui said, "She didn't agree."

Qi Hao was surprised and said, "No way, I thought there was a little between you... Why didn't she promise you? It's just watching a movie."

"Xu Mengning is really difficult to handle..."

Qu Yunfan: "Don't talk nonsense. Maybe it's just that the medical school has too many courses and too busy. Xu Mengning can't spare time."

He studies medicine himself, and naturally knows how troublesome the theory or practice courses in medical school are.

Qi Hao shrugged his shoulders when he heard the words and said something.

Then he said, "Xia Hui, don't always think about these things. Think about something happy... Otherwise, let's buy a car."

"My father's new car arrived a few days ago, a smart car. It smells so good! Whether it's car performance or..."


Qu Yunfan winned at him - stupid, you don't open the pot, and Xia Hui's face is dark again?

Qi Hao immediately shut up and patted it.

I almost forgot that the new smart car was developed by Li Qingzhou...

Well, he didn't think so much. After all, isn't Li Qingzhou cooperating with Liu's Group? Third Master Liu is Xia Hui's uncle.

Qi Hao said, "Xia Hui, don't care. I don't think it's like between Xu Mengning and Li Qingzhou..."

Just then, two boys came over and sat next to the three.

They seemed to be discussing something, sat down and didn't pay attention to the surroundings and continued to talk about the topic.

"The news I know today really shocked me for a hundred years. This girl in the medical school became popular in the forum of our school. I really didn't expect it..."

"That's right. Who would have thought that Li Qingzhou's legs were disabled for her... He could have become a healthy person."

"However, I heard from the news from the medical school before. The two should be boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"I think so, otherwise why did a man save a girl he didn't like and be disabled for her? If this girl wants to know how to be grateful, she should take the initiative to take care of President Li."

"Not to mention that they grew up together in the orphanage, although the woman was later adopted by a family..."

"What are you talking about?" The more Liu Xiahui heard it, the more he felt wrong. She frowned and asked.

The two boys were shocked by the sudden voice and looked up.

One of them knew Liu Xiahui and said, "I, we are talking about a post that suddenly became popular in the school forum..."

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now