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Li Qingzhou saw Liu Xiahui first.

This is the first time the two met after the New Year.

After Liu Xiahui sat down, he directly cut into the theme - he wanted Shengqi Entertainment to cooperate with Li Shi, and won the endorsement of artificial intelligence robots for Zhou Yi.

It's not an advertising contract, but endorsement.

Instead of sitting in a wheelchair, Li Qingzhou sat opposite Liu Xiahui with intelligent exoskeleton support.

Liu Xiahui's eyes stopped on this exoskeleton support device.

When he just entered the office, he was shocked to see Li Qingzhou standing up and walking.

After that, it was clear until the clue was found.

Exoskeleton support equipment is now on sale on the market, and the price was not low when it was first sold.

Liu Xiahui has seen a few times - big and heavy.

If you want to wear it on the human body, it is very obvious and it needs to be charged every night, so that it can support the daytime use the next day.

However, the exoskeleton support equipment on Li Qingzhou's body looks very light.

The dark black robot has excellent ductility, and the metal mechanical fit on the side of the leg is streamlined to the right place, and there is no extra part to make the equipment look cumbersome.

Liu Xiahui looked at it twice and withdrew his eyes. He said, "How is Mr. Li thinking?"

Li Qingzhou: "Although Zhou Yi's commercial value is also good, it is still a little worse than Ji Feng. Presumably Mr. Liu also understands."

"What's more, Ji Feng is currently shooting Director Li's film."

"When this movie is released, maybe Ji Feng's commercial value will double again."

On the light, of course, he still likes Ji Feng.

Liu Xiahui: "But Jifeng can't bring cooperation with Shengqi Entertainment to Li. Mr. Li, Shengqi Entertainment can make a little concessions appropriately."

Zhou Ye is not important in Liu Xiahui's eyes. The reason why he comes is to value the endorsement of artificial intelligence robots.

However, the future effect of this endorsement is unknown, and it is appropriate for Zhou Ye to be the spokesperson.

If you go up, I'm afraid it's going to increase the weight.

Li Qingzhou: "Yanjing's entertainment company is more than Shengqi."

The Ge family runs an entertainment company.

With his relationship with Ge Yue, if Li wants to cooperate with entertainment companies, the Ge family is undoubtedly the first choice.

However, the artists of Xingyue Entertainment are indeed not as good as Shengqi Entertainment as the whole.

Before Liu Xiahui could speak, Li Qingzhou said, "I need to think about this again. I can't give an answer to Mr. Liu for the time being."

Liu Xiahui didn't seem to have to talk about it today. He nodded and stood up and left.

Before leaving, Liu Xiahui said, "I hope Li Qingzhou can make a wise choice."

Li Qingzhou raised his eyebrows and didn't answer.

Li Qingzhou later met Ji Feng and his agent.

They care about shooting advertisements and endorsements, otherwise they would not ask for leave.

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