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After returning to Yanjing, Li Qingzhou became busy again.

-- The location of the new company, contact Qiao Huanming and others to set up relevant laboratories and scientific research teams...

Most importantly, one day, his paper will be published.

The land auctioned by Li Qingzhou at a low price is next to the new address of the new city.

He plans to build a large automobile city integrating intelligent high-tech car experience and sales here.

The previous project in Auto City has been continued, but it has changed.

This will also be Yanjing's first high-tech eco-friendly model 4S store that combines new energy vehicles with intelligent AI.

The company's office and scientific and technological research and development places should be selected in Yanjing City. It is best to have a convenient geographical location and developed transportation.

But I'm afraid it's not easy to find places to consider in all aspects.

Soon after, Zou Ming took the initiative to contact Fang Xiyan - the location of the company's location was settled.


The address given by Zou Ming is in the center of Yanjing.

A rigid commercial building only needs to be renovated to be used normally.

Fang Xiyan drove there according to the address.

After getting out of the car, Li Qingzhou did not enter the building for the time being, but observed the surrounding environment first - the geographical location of the city center is really good, with convenient greening, catering and transportation, and all directions...

Zou Ming walked out of the door of the commercial building and welcomed Li Qingzhou and Fang Xiyan in.

The building has 28 floors.

Although the equipment, tables and chairs in the building have been emptied, the water and electricity are running normally.

The elevator door opened with a jingle.

Zou Ming waited sideways for Li Qingzhou to walk first before entering the elevator.

He pressed the 28th floor.

During the gradual rise of the elevator.

Zou Ming introduced, "Mr. Li, the whole floor of the top floor is an area for you to work and rest in the future. The lighting is very good, and you can almost overlook half of the city center..."

Opposite the elevator door is transparent glass.

Looking down, things are getting smaller, and the field of vision is gradually broadening. The speed of elevator rise is not slow, and the sense of weightlessness comes.

While listening to Zou Ming's introduction, Li Qingzhou looked out of the elevator and slowly condensed on an extremely conspicuous building.

This building is diagonally opposite the commercial building and is also a high-rise building.

With a "ding" sound, the 28th floor arrived.

As soon as the elevator door opens, there is a spacious hall, and then walk in a few rooms.

Among them, the largest will be used as Li Qingzhou's office in the future.

Zou Ming opened the door, and a man in the empty room was standing in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling window. He said, "Third Master, Mr. Li has arrived."

My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression [ Book Wearing ]Where stories live. Discover now